太上感應篇 - CUHK1
From Chinese Religious Text Authority
太上感應篇 Tai shang gan ying pian |
別名 Other Titles: 太上感應篇註 |
有關人物 Associated Persons: 惠棟, 譚瑩玉生
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication: 版式 Format: 木刻版 出版者 Publisher(s): 粵雅堂叢書 出版年 Publication Date: 載於 Located In: CUHK Library |
Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 太上感應篇 - CUHK1" |
別名 Other Titles
On the cover page, the title is 太上感應篇註.
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication
On each page, there is a line that reads '粵雅堂叢書'.
出版年 Publication Date(s)
有關人物 Associated Person(s)
According to the first page of the main text, Hui Dong 惠棟 made the commentary on the scripture Taishang ganyingpian太上感應篇. According to the final page of the main text, Tan yingyusheng 譚瑩玉生 did the proofreading.
內容 Contents
- 序
- 太上感應篇註卷上
- 太上感應篇註卷下
- 跋
序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces
- 序
- 嘉慶三年嵗次戊午 (1798) 四月二十一日芒種節
- 大興朱珪識於皖江節署之存得齋
- 跋
- 咸豐乙卯 (1855) 人日令節
- 南海伍崇曜謹跋
註疏 Commentary
- 感應篇箋注 - B3 and this edition are different editions.