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From Chinese Religious Text Authority

CRTA - The Chinese Religious Text Authority 宗教書籍規範索引

Project Description 計劃提要

The Chinese Religious Text Authority (CRTA) is a project that seeks to collect and present reliable bibliographic and scholarly information about religious texts in Chinese produced prior to 1949. For more information, please see our About page.

Work-in-Progress Sample Item Pages

Sample Periodical Pages

WIP Templates

Main Collections

Phase 1 corpus: texts in major reprint collections

Siglum Collection
A Daozang jiyao - A (重刊) 道藏輯要
B Fushou baozang - B 福壽寶藏
C Daozang jinghualu - C 道藏精華錄
D Daozang jinghua - D 道藏精華. Xiao Tianshi 蕭天石, comp. Taipei: Ziyou chubanshe, 1953-1983.
E Zangwai daoshu - E 藏外道書. Chengdu: Bashu shushe, 1992-1994, 36 vols.
F Baojuan chuji - F 寶卷初集. Taiyuan: Shanxi renmin chubanshe, 1994, 40 vols.
G Zhonghua xu Daozang - G 中華續道藏. Taipei: Xinwenfeng, 1999, 20 vols.
H Ming Qing minjian zongjiao jingjuan wenxian - H 明淸民間宗敎經卷文獻, Wang Chien-Chuan 王見川, Lin Wanchuan 林萬傳, comp., Taipei, Xinwenfeng, 1999, 12 vol.
I Zangwai fojing - I 藏外佛經. Hefei: Huangshan shushe, 2005, 30 vols.
J Minjian baojuan - J 民間寶卷. Hefei: Huangshan shushe, 2005, 20 vols.
K Sandong shiyi - K 三洞拾遺. Hefei: Huangshan shushe, 2005, 20 vols.
L Ming Qing minjian zongjiao jingjuan wenxian xubian - L 明清民間宗教經卷文獻續編. Wang Chien-ch’uan 王見川 et al., comp. Taipei: Xinwenfeng, 2006, 12 vols.
M Minjian sizang: Taiwan zongjiao ziliao huibian: minjian xinyang, minjian wenhua - M 民間私藏臺灣宗教資料彙編 : 民間信仰・民間文化. Wang Chien-ch’uan 王見川, Li Shiwei李世偉, comp. Taipei: Boyang, 2009-2010, series 1: 34 vols.; series 2: 33 vols.
N Zhongguo yuyan jiujie shu - N 中國預言救劫書. Wang Chien-ch’uan 王見川, Song Jun 宋軍, Fan Chun-wu 范純武, comp. Taipei: Xinwenfeng, 2010, 10 vols.
O Zhonghua zhenben baojuan - O 中華珍本寶卷. Ma Xisha 馬西沙, comp. 主編. Beijing : Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, series 1, 2013, series 2, 2014, series 3, 2015.
P Minzhong jingdian: Yiguandao jingjuan, Liu Bowen jinnang yu qita - P 民眾經典: 一貫道經卷、劉伯溫錦囊與其他. Wang Chien-ch’uan 王見川, comp. Taipei: Boyang, 2011, 5 vols.
Q Minjian sizang: Zhongguo minjian xinyang minjian wenhua ziliao huibian - Q 民間私藏 : 中國民間信仰民間文化資料彙編. Wang Chien-ch’uan 王見川 et al., comp. Taipei: Boyang, 2011-2017, series 1: 34 vols.; series 2: 34 vols. ; series 3: 35 vols.
R Jindai Guandi, Yuhuang jingjuan yu Xuanmen zhengzong wenxian - R 近代關帝、玉皇經卷與玄門真宗文獻. Wang Chien-ch’uan, ed. Taipei: Boyang, 2012, 6 vols.
S Ming Qing mimi shehui : shiliao xiezhen. Huantiandao juan - S 明清秘密社會:史料擷珍.黃天道卷. Cao Xinyu 曹新宇, comp. Taipei: Boyang, 2013.
T Shanshu baojuan yanjiu congshu - T 善書寶卷研究叢書. Li Zhengzhong 李正中, comp. Taipei: Lantai chubanshe 台北蘭臺出版社, 2014.
U Jindai Zhongguo minjian zongjiao jingjuan wenxian - U 近代中國民間宗教經卷文獻. Wang Chien-ch’uan 王見川, Fan Chun-wu 范純武, comp. Taipei: Xinwenfeng, 2015, 12 vols.
V Taiwan laozhaitang zhenbao de chongjian : Tainan Dehuatang suozang de jingjuan yu wenxian - V 台灣老齋堂珍寶的重現:《台南德化堂所藏的經卷與文獻》. Wang Chien-ch’uan 王見川, Wang Huichen 王惠琛, eds. Taipei: Boyang, 2018, 7 vols.
W Ming Qing yilai shanshu congbian - W 明清以來善書叢編. Wang Chien-ch’uan 王見川, Philip Clart 柯若樸, Hou Chong 侯沖 & Fan Chunwu 范純武 eds. Taipei: Xinwenfeng, 2018, 18 vols.
X Xu zangjing - X 續藏經. CBETA edition.
Y Ming Qing yilai shanshu congbian erji - Y 明清以來善書叢編二輯. Wang Chien-ch’uan 王見川, Philip Clart 柯若樸, Hou Chong 侯沖 & Fan Chunwu 范純武 eds. Taipei: Xinwenfeng, 2019, 18 vols.

User Guides

Todo list

  • [X] About page
  • [X] On the main page list the text collections
  • [.5] Create pages for each major collection, these should contain links to wiki-pages for texts from the first Volume (KA: pages created, not sure what 2nd half of task means)
  • [X] Create templates "text page" and "collection page"
  • [.75] Batch create text pages from the TOC - (KA: done except for D,E,Q,X)
  • [] Find validators and other useful extensions
  • [] Page/section on support CRTA has received
  • [X] Update About page with steering committee members
  • [] Fix user guide & template explanations

Getting started

Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.