往生咒; 阿彌陀經不思議神力傳; 後出阿彌陀佛偈經 - DCCB2247

From Chinese Religious Text Authority

往生咒; 阿彌陀經不思議神力傳; 後出阿彌陀佛偈經

Wang sheng zhou; A mi tuo jing bu si yi shen li zhuan; Hou chu a mi tuo Fo jie jing
別名 Other Titles:
有關人物 Associated Persons:

出版地區 Place(s) of Publication: 南京

版式 Format: 木刻版

出版者 Publisher(s): 金陵刻經處

出版年 Publication Date: 1872

載於 Located In: Digital Catalogue of Chinese Buddhism - DCCB

Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 往生咒; 阿彌陀經不思議神力傳; 後出阿彌陀佛偈經 - DCCB2247"

Wang sheng zhou; A mi tuo jing bu si yi shen li zhuan; Hou chu a mi tuo Fo jie jing was automatically generated based on data from the Digital Catalogue of Chinese Buddhism.

別名 Other Titles

出版地區 Place(s) of Publication

出版年 Publication Date(s)

有關人物 Associated Person(s)

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內容 Contents

序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces

註疏 Commentary

  • Short title for 阿彌陀經不思議神力傳 is 神力傳
  • 3 fascicles 卷

參考文獻 Bibliography

電子全文 Digital Fulltext

有關書刊 See Also and Parallel Texts

功德榜 Contributors
