禪宗頌古聯珠通集 - X65

From Chinese Religious Text Authority


Chan zong song lion zhou tong ji
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別名 Other Titles: 禪宗頌古聯珠集
有關人物 Associated Persons: 釋法應,釋普會,釋凈戒

出版地區 Place(s) of Publication: 南京

版式 Format: Unknown

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載於 Located In: Xu_zangjing - X Volume No.65, X65n1295

Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 禪宗頌古聯珠通集 - X65"

The Changzong songgu lianzhu tongji 禪宗頌古聯珠通集(Comprehensive Anthology of the String of Pearls Verse Commentary of the Chan Lineage) is a large Southern Song collection of Chan gong’an cases with verse commentaries, initially compiled in 1175 and expanded in 1295.

別名 Other Titles


出版地區 Place(s) of Publication

This anthology was first compiled in 1175 by the Southern Song Chan master Shi Faying 釋法應 from the Baoen guangxiao monastery in Chizhou (池州報恩光孝禪寺). It was entitled 禪宗送股聯珠集, and included 325 gongan and 2100 songgu(verse commentaries related to each gongan) composed by 122 Chan masters. the text was expanded during the Yuan dynasty, in 1295, by the monk Shi Puhui 釋普會 and was renamed 禪宗送股聯珠通集. The explanded anthology included 493 gongancases, and 3,050 songgu verses composed by 426 Chan masters. The latest version is comprised of 40 fascicles and inlcudes more than 1,300 cases and more than 5,700 verses. The preservation of the 1295 anthology is attributed to the monk Shi Jingjie 釋凈戒 (?-1418) from Zhong Tianzhu 中天竺 temple in Hangzhou. Jingjie compiled and corrected this collection, and eventually it was included in the Hongwu Tripitaka. The anthology has three distinct editions of ten fascicles, twenty-one fascicles, and forty fascicles. The ten-fascicle version was preserved in the first volume (ji 輯) of the 《日本宮內廳書陵部藏宋元版漢籍影印叢書》. the twenty-fascicle version was preserved in 《洪武南藏》,《永樂北藏》,《永樂南藏》,《大正藏》,《中華大藏經》. The forty-fascicle version was preserved in 《縮刻藏》,《卍續藏》,《嘉興藏》,《頻伽藏》.

出版年 Publication Date(s)

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有關人物 Associated Person(s)

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內容 Contents

There are forty fascicles in the longest version.

  • 第一卷 includes the various prefaces:
  • 第二卷 世尊機錄
  • 第三卷 菩薩機緣
  • 第四卷 菩薩機緣之餘,大乘經偈
  • 從第五卷到第四十卷 祖師機緣

序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces

  • 通集敘(馮子振撰)
  • 通集敘(普會撰)composed in 1318
  • 重刻敘(淨戒撰)composed in 1392
  • 舊敘(張掄撰)
  • 本敘 (法應撰)composed in 1175

註疏 Commentary


參考文獻 Bibliography

Zhang Changhong 張昌紅, “Chanzong songgu lianzhu tongji xulu” 《禅宗颂古联珠通集》叙录, in Xin shiji tushuguan 新世纪图书馆 1 (2013): 58-9 http://jstsgxh.org/pub/njlib/jslib_gxdl/jslib_gxdlgxyj/201405/P020140505622078206179.pdf

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功德榜 Contributors

Tali Hershkovitz