多羅妙法經 - F15: Difference between revisions

From Chinese Religious Text Authority
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*[[多羅妙法經卷 - H83]], [[多羅妙法經 - J21]] and this edition are the same edition. But some texts are missing in different places in the three versions. [[多羅妙法經卷 - H83]] is the most complete version, on p.553, p.554, p.662, p.639, p.645 and p.650 of [[多羅妙法經卷 - H83]], there are texts that are not included in [[多羅妙法經 - J21]] and this edition. Samely, on P.226, p.273, p.274 of [[多羅妙法經 - J21]], there are texts that are not seen in [[多羅妙法經卷 - H83]]. [[多羅妙法經 - J21]] and this edition are exactly the same, but several characters on p.123 and p.262 of this edition are missing in [[多羅妙法經 - J21]] .
*[[多羅妙法經卷 - H83]], [[多羅妙法經 - J21]] and this edition are the same edition. But some texts are missing in different places in the three versions. [[多羅妙法經卷 - H83]] is the most complete version, on p.553, p.554, p.662, p.639, p.645 and p.650 of [[多羅妙法經卷 - H83]], there are texts that are not included in [[多羅妙法經 - J21]] and this edition. Samely, on P.226, p.273, p.274 of [[多羅妙法經 - J21]], there are texts that are not seen in [[多羅妙法經卷 - H83]]. [[多羅妙法經 - J21]] and this edition are exactly the same, but several characters on p.123 and p.262 of this edition are missing in [[多羅妙法經 - J21]].
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Latest revision as of 16:22, 3 October 2024


Duo luo miao fa jing
多羅妙法經 - F15.jpg
別名 Other Titles: None
有關人物 Associated Persons:

出版地區 Place(s) of Publication: None Known

版式 Format: 寫本

出版者 Publisher(s): None Known

出版年 Publication Date:

載於 Located In: Baojuan chuji - F vol. 9, pp. 1-510, vol. 10, pp. 1-218.

Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 多羅妙法經 - F15"

An incomplete version with only volume 1, 2, 4, 5, and 9.

別名 Other Titles

出版地區 Place(s) of Publication

出版年 Publication Date(s)

有關人物 Associated Person(s)

內容 Contents


  • 諷真經舉香讚 [頁1]
  • 偈 [頁1-2]
  • 演法偈 [頁2-3]
  • 開經偈 [頁3]
  • 白文 [頁4-5]
  • 演如來偈 [頁5-7]
  • 卷一 [頁8-165]
    • 剖明威音品第一
    • 指示空性品第二
    • 指明儒理品第三
    • 講明道教品第四
    • 指明釋門品第五
    • 指明來路品第六
    • 説明禪定品第七
    • 五眼圓明品第八
    • 生老病死品第九
  • 卷二 [頁167-337]
    • 圓頓正教品第十
    • 般若心經品第十一
    • 正信除疑品第十二
    • 尋根結果品第十三
    • 嘆世修因品第十四
    • 苦功悟道品第十五
    • 巍巍不動品第十六
    • 普說化賢品第十七
    • 指明三會品第十八
  • 卷四 [頁339-510]
    • 性理玄機品第二十八
    • 微妙玄真品第二十九
    • 單傳直指品第三十
    • 明心見性品第三十一
    • 靠定久守品第三十二
    • 等後天恩品第三十三
    • 還照回光品第三十四
    • 個個圓成品第三十五
    • 無身懸照品第三十六


  • 卷五 [頁1-110]
    • 三公問道品第三十七
    • 五老參真品第三十八
    • 七賢聼講品第三十九
    • 九識扶妙品第四十
    • 剖明癡元品第四十二
    • 引迷入真品第四十三
    • 背暗投明品第四十四
    • 引衆皈西品第四十五
  • 卷九 [頁111-218]
    • 無可修煉品第七十三
    • 無得無真品第七十四
    • 撥開元竅品第七十五
    • 一心普化品第七十六
    • 半坐明理品第七十七
    • 真實法相品第七十八
    • 普滿圓光品第七十九
    • 蓮池脫幻品第八十
    • 萬性皈宗品第八十一

序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces

註疏 Commentary

參考文獻 Bibliography

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有關書刊 See Also and Parallel Texts

功德榜 Contributors
