太上感應篇圖說 - E137

From Chinese Religious Text Authority
Revision as of 14:56, 13 February 2024 by YangYangLan (talk | contribs)


Tai shang gan ying pian tu shuo
太上感應篇圖說 - E137.png
別名 Other Titles: 太上感應靈篇圖說, 感應篇圖說
有關人物 Associated Persons: 陳堅君

出版地區 Place(s) of Publication:

版式 Format: 木刻版

出版者 Publisher(s):

出版年 Publication Date:

載於 Located In: Zangwai daoshu - E Volume 12, pp. 99-120.

Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 太上感應篇圖說 - E137"

An interpretation of the Ganyingpian by the Yuan period Chen Jianjun 陳堅君, with late-Qing additions. In spite of the title, this edition does not have any illustrations.

別名 Other Titles

At the begining of the main text, the title is 太上感應靈篇圖說. In the middle of each page, the title is 感應篇圖說.

出版地區 Place(s) of Publication

出版年 Publication Date(s)

有關人物 Associated Person(s)

No Additional Information

內容 Contents

  • 太上感應篇
  • 勸善凡二十六事
  • 懲勸惡凡一百七十事
  • 正文, 至正壬辰 (1352) by the author's sons and grandsons
  • 附錄: 胡文煥感應紀述靈驗, 光緒二十三年(1897)丁丙識

序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces

    • 仇遠
  • 自序
    • 陳堅君
    • 泰定甲子 (1324)

註疏 Commentary

  • The author signs as 錢塘陳堅君實父撰. Instead of commenting the Ganyingpian line by line, this text rearranges the material in its own order, divided between good and bad actions, and adds a short explanation for each item. The miracle stories at the end were added by the late-Qing editors.
  • This edition is different with Huang Zhengyuan 黃正元's Ganyingpian tushuo 感應篇圖説 and Xu Hesha 許鶴沙's.

參考文獻 Bibliography

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