神訓南注仙讀- L210

From Chinese Religious Text Authority
Revision as of 10:59, 18 June 2024 by Vincent (talk | contribs)


Shen xun nan zhu xian du
神訓南注仙讀- L210.png
別名 Other Titles: 神訓旁註便讀
有關人物 Associated Persons:

出版地區 Place(s) of Publication:

版式 Format: 木刻版

出版者 Publisher(s):

出版年 Publication Date:

載於 Located In: Ming Qing minjian zongjiao jingjuan wenxian xubian - L Volume 12, pp. 715-762

Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 神訓南注仙讀- L210"

Side notes to four scriptures, Taishang ganyingpian, 太上感應篇, Jueshijing 覺世經, Yinzhiwen 陰騭文 and Yuantian (Xuantian) shangdi jinke yulü 元天上帝金科玉律.

別名 Other Titles

The title on the cover page and the centre of each page is 神訓旁註便讀. "神訓南注仙讀" given by the editors of Ming Qing minjian zongjiao jingjuan wenxian xubian is incorrect.

出版地區 Place(s) of Publication

The 1894 edition was printed by 京都前門外(缺字) 梯子胡同四寶齋刻字鋪, as the cover page shows.

出版年 Publication Date(s)

This is a copy of the 1894 (光緒甲午年) edition, which was printed in the Republic of China. On the final several pages are the dates of the people who printed and sent the copies. The latest date is 中華民國二十年 (1931).

有關人物 Associated Person(s)

The 1894 edition was printed by Liu Wenyi 劉文義, as the cover page shows.

內容 Contents

  • 序 [頁715-716]
  • 序 [頁716-717]
  • 序 [頁718]
  • 序 [頁719]
  • 凡例 [頁719-738]
  • 梓潼帝君曰 [頁739]
  • 太上感應篇 [頁739-743]
  • 太上感應篇音釋 [頁743]
  • 關聖帝君覺世經 [頁743-746]
  • 道光三十年 (1850) 十月初七日 關帝降於平利縣熊宅 諭 [頁746]
  • 文昌帝君陰騭文 [頁747-749]
  • 元天上帝金科玉律 [頁749-753]
  • 感應篇提要 [頁753]
  • 覺世經提要 [頁753-754]
  • 陰騭文提要 [頁754]
  • 反始論 [頁755-756]
  • 奉行四篇致富靈證 [頁756-759]
  • 持戒日期 [頁760]
  • 印送人 [頁760]
  • 印送靈驗紀 [頁760]
    • 光緒二十五年 (1899) 二月初六日金臺錫齡謹誌
  • 藥方 [頁761]
  • 印送叙 [頁761]
  • 印送人 [頁761-762]
  • 印送記 [頁762]
    • 中華民國十七年 (1928)
    • 香河縣城内信士弟子王鼎臣印贈
  • 印送人 [頁762]

序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces

  • 序 [頁715-716]
    • 咸豐十一年嵗次辛酉 (1861) 夏月上澣
    • 漢皋同人復刊
  • 序 [頁716-717]
    • 咸豐戊午 (1858)
    • 郡西信士陳鴻儒, 陳明章謹叙
  • 序 [頁718]
  • 序 [頁719]
  • 印送叙 [頁761]
    • 明月店信士弟子李河謹叙

註疏 Commentary

參考文獻 Bibliography

電子全文 Digital Fulltext

有關書刊 See Also and Parallel Texts

功德榜 Contributors
