全人矩獲 - E333
全人矩矱 Quan ren ju huo |
別名 Other Titles: None |
有關人物 Associated Persons: 孫念劬
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication: None Known 版式 Format: 木版 出版者 Publisher(s): 都門松圃許君 出版年 Publication Date: first publiched in 1793,this publication was in 1843 載於 Located In: Zangwai daoshu - E Volume 28, pp. 296-458. |
Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 全人矩獲 - E333" |
Quan ren ju huo (The moral standards of the perfect people) is a morality book compiled by Sun Nianqu in 1792, which contains a wealth of articles from Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism before the 19th century.
別名 Other Titles
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication
出版年 Publication Date(s)
The date in the preface, 道光癸卯(23)荷月序, corresponds with 1843-6/7.
有關人物 Associated Person(s)
No Additional Information
內容 Contents
- 序 朱珪 1792
- 序 廬文弨 1792
- 序 李承霖 1843
- 弁言 孫念劬 1790
- 凡例 孫念劬 1797
- 卷首 經訓必讀 [頁306]
- 卷一 勸孝集說 [頁322]
- 卷二 戒淫集說 [頁348]
- 卷三 勸誡彙抄 [頁376]
- 卷四 功過格彙編 [頁424]
- 卷末 不費錢功德例 勸世詩歌 [頁448]
序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces
- 序
- 乾隆五十七年壬子五月初十
- 大興朱珪題於皖江撫署
- 序
- 乾隆五十七年季夏旬有二日
- 杭東里人廬文弨書於龍城書院
- 序
- 道光癸卯(23)荷月
- 丹徒李承霖序
- 弁言
- 乾隆五十五年歲次庚戌三月朔日
- 潔齋孫念劬識
- 凡例
- 嘉慶元年歲次丙辰除夕前五日
- 潔齋孫念劬謹識
註疏 Commentary
This is a morality book, with the goal of achieving a perfect personality, collecting a wealth of articles from before the 19th century. The themes of the first and second volumes are filial piety and sex, which correspond to the moral concept of "Filial piety is foremost of all virtues and the debauchery is foremost of all evils. filial piety first and all evils first". The third volume includes various social moral themes: killing, gambling, alcoholism, greed, relief, and so on. These three volumes all include the revelation of the gods, Shenxun 神訓, and the quotations of Confucianism scholars Xianru Yulu先儒語錄. The first two volumes also have practical methods, Rules for serving parents, Shiqin guiyue 事親規約and Reform from the bottom and prevent from the small things, Duanben Fangwei端本防微. The fourth volume compiles different ledgers of merits and demerits. There are notes above the text.
the other reprint editions: 四卷,首一卷,末一卷,嘉慶五年(1800),嶺南初刻,板藏拱北樓,館藏法國國家圖書館(BNF),Chinois.5678
According to 《中國古籍總目》: 四卷,首一卷,末一卷,(清)孫念劬輯。清道光九年(1829)太倉同善局刻本; 四卷,首一卷,末一卷,(清)孫念劬輯,清同治七年(1868)強恕堂刻本,存二冊; 清同治七年槐蔭書屋刻本; 四卷,卷三卷末一卷, (清)沈中堅編, 清光緒四年(1878)刻本, 六冊
參考文獻 Bibliography
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None Available
有關書刊 See Also and Parallel Texts