益世經解要編 - K28
From Chinese Religious Text Authority
益世經解要編 Yi shi jing jie yao bian |
別名 Other Titles: 太上感應篇引經箋註 |
有關人物 Associated Persons: 惠棟
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication: 北京 版式 Format: 木刻版 出版者 Publisher(s): 鄧繼禹 出版年 Publication Date: 1916 載於 Located In: Sandong shiyi - K Volume 5, pp. 448-521. |
Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 益世經解要編 - K28" |
Yishi jingjie yaobian is a commentary on the Taishang ganying pian 太上感應篇 (Treatise on Retribution of the Most High) by Hui Dong (1697–1758), a famous scholar, in 1749.
別名 Other Titles
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication
On the last page: 琉璃廠廠東門內路北火神廟內同善堂書局存板
出版年 Publication Date(s)
On the title page: 丙辰二月改鐫 1916
有關人物 Associated Person(s)
No Additional Information
內容 Contents
- 封面 Title page [頁449]
- 益世經解要編序 [頁449]
- 序 [頁450-451]
- 序 [頁451-452]
- 太上感應篇 [頁453-521]
序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces
- 益世經解要編序
- 丙辰二月 (1916)
- 古潢鄧繼禹謹志
- 序
- 同治嵗次強圉單閼 (1867) 冬如月既望
- 順德羅惇衍識於京邱寡過未能之室
- 序
- 乾隆十四年冬日 (1749)
- 惠棟序
註疏 Commentary
- At the bottom of the middle of the page, the name of the transcriber is noted.
- The commentary of each sentence consists of two parts: 引經 and 箋註.
- Hui Dong 惠棟 was a famous scholar, a representative of the Wu school of Classical studies 吳派經學. As a Confucian literatus, his commentary quotes frequently from Confucian classics.
- Zangwai daoshu has the same version, without the preface of 鄧繼禹, named 詞館分寫本太上感應篇引經箋注 - E139.
- The commentary of Hui Dong is also in the Taishang ganying pian jizhuan 太上感應篇集傳 - E323 .
參考文獻 Bibliography
電子全文 Digital Fulltext
有關書刊 See Also and Parallel Texts
- 太上感應篇附持誦儀則 - A75
- 感應篇箋注 - B3
- 詞館分寫本太上感應篇引經箋注 - E139
- 太上感應篇註 - NLC23
- 感應篇引經箋注 - ANU09
- 太上感應篇箋注 - A81
- 太上感應篇 - LYY7