關聖帝君聖蹟圖誌全集 - BNF6

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Guan sheng di jun sheng ji tu zhi quan ji
No Image Available
別名 Other Titles: None
有關人物 Associated Persons: 盧湛, 康弘謨, 于成龍, 王維珍, 劉殿邦, 符冏, 馮佑, 孔子, 關帝

出版地區 Place(s) of Publication: None Known

版式 Format: 木刻版

出版者 Publisher(s): None Known

出版年 Publication Date: 1729

載於 Located In: Bibliothèque nationale de France - BNF Chinois 5711

Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 關聖帝君聖蹟圖誌全集 - BNF6"

別名 Other Titles

(translation) Illustrated Gazetteer of the Holy Traces Left by Holy Emperor Guan

出版地區 Place(s) of Publication

No information given on the place of the 1729 printing. Two of the three officials who supervised the carving of the original 1692 woodblocks held posts in the Huai’an 淮安 region at the time: Wang Ai 王靄 was vice-prefect of Shanqing 山清, and Feng You 馮佑 was vice-prefect in charge of the waterways of Shanqing and Xuyi 旴眙. The third, Dong Tingzuo 蕫廷佐, was from Liaodong and awaiting appointment to a vice-prefectural (州同) position. This suggests the carving may have taken place in the Huai’an area.

出版年 Publication Date(s)

1729 printing. Author’s preface dated 1692 (Kangxi 31). Other prefaces date from 1692 (Kangxi 31) and 1693 (Kangxi 32).

有關人物 Associated Person(s)

No Additional Information

內容 Contents

  • 序 (1a-15b)
  • 序 (16a-22b)
  • 序 (23a-28b)
  • 敘 (29a-31b)
  • 序 (32a-35b)
  • 丘序 (36ab) (first page of a preface attributed to Confucius)
  • (37ab) (盧序) (binding error: the third page of the author’s preface is interpolated here )
  • (38a-42b) 丘序 (continuation of the preface attributed to Confucius)
  • 序 (43a-45b) (盧序) (author’s preface – apart from third page of text interpolated above)
  • 關聖帝君聖蹟圖誌全集總目 (46a-47b)
  • 依原書目次 (47b-48a)
  • 采諸書目次 (48b-49a)
  • 當代名公臣卿諸君子姓氏(48b-51b) (list of those involved in compilation or carving of blocks, or who contributed funds)
  • 關聖帝君聖蹟圖誌全集卷之一仁部目錄 (1a-2b)
  • 關聖帝君聖蹟圖誌全集卷之一仁部疏義 (3a-6b)
  • 發祥考 (7a-11b)
  • 全圖考 (12a-77b) (fifty-five full-page black and white woodcut illustrations of scenes from the life and legend of Guandi, with explanatory text on page(s) immediately after each image)
  • 關聖帝君聖蹟圖誌全集卷之二義部目錄(1ab)
  • 本傳考 (2a-21b)
  • 列傳考 (22a-34b)
  • 譜系考 (35a-38b
  • 翰墨考 (39a-46b) (incl. four black and white woodcut illustrations of bamboo, and four woodcut images of large seal script characters inserted between text)
  • 聖經考 (47a-63b)
  • 遺印考 (64a-66b)(“此籤與江東籤試不同乃帝自製也”)(incl. three black and white woodcut illustrations of seals)
  • 遺蹟考 (67a-70b)
  • 故事考 (71a-74b)
  • 關聖帝君聖蹟圖誌全集卷之三禮部目錄(1ab)
  • 廟墳考圖目次 (2a)
  • Eight full-page woodblock illustrations of temples (長平塚圖, 關帝故里, 關帝塚圖, untitled, 玉泉顯, 烈廟圖, 崇寕宮舊圖, 崇寧宮新圖), and one full-page diagram with layout of offerings on and before altar (祭品圖) (2b-6b)
  • 廟墳考 (7a-12b)
  • 封爵考 (13a-18b)
  • 祭文 (18b-25b)
  • 靈感考 (26a-64b)
  • 聖籤考 (65a-96b)
  • 關聖帝君聖蹟圖誌全集卷之四智部目錄 (1ab)
  • 藝文考上 : 序類,論類,記類,銘類 (2a-83b)
  • 關聖帝君聖蹟圖誌全集卷之五信部目錄(1ab)
  • 藝文考下 : 詩類,賦類,贊類,聯類,頌類,文類,歌類,書(附), 詩餘, 跋類 (2a-83b)
  • 記 (84a-85b)

序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces

    • 康熙三十二年歲次癸酉孟夏穀旦 (Summer 1693) 
    • 總督河道提督軍務兵部尚書兼都察院右都御史授為正一品加四級三韓振甲氏于成龍拜撰
    • Two seals (part of the woodblock) with the preface author’s name and hao: 于成龍印 and 振甲.
    • 行書 semi-cursive script
    • 康熙三十一年歲在壬申季秋穀旦 (Autumn 1692)
    • 賜進士第兵部左侍郎加三級三韓嵋谷氏王維珍敬撰x書
    • Two seals (part of the woodblock) with the preface author’s name and hao: 王維珍印 and 嵋谷.
    • 康熙三十二年歲次癸酉秋七月上浣吉旦 (Autumn 1693, first ten days of seventh month)
    • 奉敕分巡淮揚等處地方兼理漕務海防河道鹽法屯田事務江南提刑按察使司僉事加一級劉殿邦熏沐頓首拜撰
    • Liu Dianbang first saw Lu Zhan’s text in Autumn 1693
    • Two seals (part of the woodblock) with the preface author’s name and hao: 劉殿邦印 and 豫菴.
    • 康熙三十二年歲在癸酉暮春上完之吉 (1693, last month of Spring – 3rd month of the year; first ten days)
    • 澮川後學符冏熏沐敬敘
    • Fu Jiong first saw Lu Zhan’s text in Winter 1692
    • Two seals (part of the woodblock) with the preface author’s name and hao: 符冏之印 and 克菴.
    • 康熙三十二年歲次癸酉季秋 (Autumn 1693)
    • 奉政大夫管理淮安山清旴眙河務同知加三級於越後學馮佑北漁氏盥手拜撰
    • Two seals (part of the woodblock) with the preface author’s name and hao: 馮佑之印 and 北漁.
  • 丘序
    • 康熙三十二年癸歲次仲春吉旦 (1693, second month of Spring)
    • 賜進士出身湖廣提學道按察司僉事蘭陵丘園卜枚先氏敬撰
  • 盧序
    • 康熙三十一年歲次壬申季秋上浣穀旦 (1692, Autumn, first ten days)
    • 淮陰古桃園後學盧湛盥手敬撰
    • Two seals (part of the woodblock), the second with the author’s name: 臣[XX]印 and 盧湛.
    • 雍正已酉陽月 (1729, 10th month)
    • 涇陽康弘謨熏沐敬書
    • Two seals (part of the woodblock), the first with Kang Hongmo’s name, the second probably giving his hao: 康弘謨印 and [XX].

註疏 Commentary

Five juan, numerous woodblock illustrations (mainly in the second juan). A compilation of information on the pre- and posthumous life of Guandi. The author was Lu Zhan 盧湛 (zi Junshen 濬深) from Taoyuan district 桃園縣 in Jiangnan 江南, who had purchased an official position as a historian (廪監考補史館). His preface is dated Autumn 1692. The six other prefaces included date from 1692 and 1693, and their authors sometimes mention the moment that Lu Zhan had first shown them the work (in Winter 1692, or in Autumn 1693). The prefaces emphasize the reliability of the information presented in the text, which had been assembled through checking many different sources including the genealogical stele recently discovered in Guandi’s birthplace in Xie 解 prefecture (Shanxi). Ter Haar[1] notes “Lu Zhan was inspired by his chance encounter with a former Xie Prefecture magistrate who had composed a detailed inscription with a wealth of then new information on the deity, providing for the first time precise dates of birth and death.” The preface by vice-prefect Feng You 馮佑 underlines the work’s value for popularizing and diffusing more widely knowledge of Guandi’s history so that “both the ignorant and the learned would be moved and would admire” (令天下之智愚皆為感興勤慕矣) (1: 35a). Goossaert[2] notes that it is the first of the anthologies of hagiographical and historical information on Guandi (which appear from the Ming period onwards) to include a scripture revealed through spirit writing (at 3:47a-63b).

This edition was reprinted in 1729 by Kang Hongmo 康弘謨 from Jingyang 涇陽 (Shaanxi). In a postface he explains his reasons for reprinting the text. He describes how throughout his life when he has been ill or his sons and daughters have been in danger, Guandi has come to his aid. He recounts in particular the story of a dangerous fall from horseback while posted to Guangling 廣陵 and inspecting works on the river embankment. He lost his footing and fell several zhang 丈 from a dangerous bridge. His companions and all the workers were terrified, but neither he nor his horse were injured. Some parts of the woodblock used to print this postface seem to have been erased (e.g. the top part of what seems to be a 藏 is still visible, so probably not a space left deliberately).

The first juan includes a list of all who participated in the compilation and carving of the first 1693 edition, or contributed funds. It gives their region of origin, hao, and position (information summarized below, in that order). The list shows the collaborative nature of the work, which seems to have been carried out in the style of state-led historical and philological compilation projects. Note the financing and supervision of the engraving mainly involved mid-level local officials (ranks of Subprefectural Magistrate tongzhi 同知, tongpan 同判), while higher ranking officials were involved in proofreading, as well as final approval. Several Liaodongese were involved, and at least two can be ascertained to be members of the Chinese banners: Bian Yongji 卞永吉 belonged to the Chinese Bordered Red Banner[3] and Tong Yuxiu 佟毓秀 to the Chinese Bordered Blue Banner.

The complete list of contributors to the work:

鑒定/ Approval:

Yu Chenglong 于成龍,Xu Tingxi 許廷璽 (三韓; 六齊; 協力河院順天府丞堂加三級)

參閱 / Proofreading:

Zhang Yushu 張玉書 (京將,素在,辛丑 [1661] 進士內閣大學士),Wang Weizhen 王維珍,Tuna 圖納 (長白, 容菴,刑部尚書) ,Zhaoshan 趙山 (長白,泰巖,甲午 [1654] 解元盛京戶部侍郎任都綂),Danai 達鼐 (長白,為山,國子監司成任內戶部會計司員外),Gao Chengjue 高承爵 (三韓,天秩,安徽撫院),Nian Xialing 年遐齡 (三韓,大生,湖南撫院),Lü Lun 呂㷍 (郯溪,柏菴,庚戌 [1670] 進士行取科給專), Fu Jiong 符冏 , Zhang Baixing 張百行 (儀封,孝先,內閣中書),Liu Dianbang 劉殿邦,Liu Ai 劉皚(宛平,孟桌,分巡淮許道按察司僉事), Xiong Kaichu 熊開楚 (楚中,蔚菴,己未 [1679] 進士任江都縣令), Guan Ju 管鉅 (臨川, 維洪,簡選才任清河縣令)

考訂/Research and revision:

Song Cao 宋曹 (鹽凟,射陵,徵聘),Hu Congzhong 胡從中 (淮山,楝居,丙子 [1636] 孝廉),Fei Mi 費密 (西屬,燕峰,逸士), Wang Gai王槩 (繡水,安節),Sun Bailing 孫百齡 (四明,錫菴,歲貢), Wang Ji 王紀 (桃園, 肇修, 孝論),Zhang Chao 張弨 (山陽, 力臣, 生員), and Xingyuan chuyun, a Buddhist monk of Qixia [Monastery] 棲霞釋興源楚雲 (善知識) and Zhuanben tiangen, a Buddhist monk of Tandu [Monastery] 檀度釋傳本天根 (善知識)

監刻/ Supervision of the engraving:

Feng You 馮佑 (浙江山陰人,北漁,任山旴同知), Wang Ai 王靄 (浙江錢塘人, 介菴, 任山清同知), Dong Tingzuo 蕫廷佐 (遼東奉天人, 天勷, 後選州同)

捐資/ Funding:

Feng You 馮佑, Wang Ai 王靄, Chen Qianji 陳謙吉 (山西澤州人, 尊士, 任邳雎同知), Lang Wenhuang 郎文煌 (遼東奉天人, 鴻軒, 任山安同知), Meng Shifang 孟時芳 (浙江山陰人, 子國, 任桃園同知), Wang Longxi 王隆熙 (山東濟河人, 黽承, 任許河同知), Tong Yuxiu 佟毓秀 (遼東奉天人, 鐘山, 任揚州通判), Bian Yongji 卞永吉 (遼東奉天人, 謙之, 任宿虹同知)

彙輯並捐資/ Compilation and funding:

Lu Zhan 盧湛

The first fascicule also explicitly lists the work’s sources, including information on their time of publication and authors. The works are ordered chronologically, starting with a Yuan dynasty text:

關王事蹟 Guanwang shiji (元隱士胡琦著巴郡人)

義勇武安王集 Yiyong Wu’anwang ji (明呂柟[1479-1542]陝西高陵人正德戊辰 [1508]狀元宮禮部侍郎後國朝錢謙益[1582-1664]重訂)

關公祠誌 Guangongci zhi (原書趙欽湯[1536-1614]著解州人宮戶部侍郎後焦竑 [1540-1620]所訂山東日照縣人萬曆乙丑 [1565, so in fact before Wanli reign (1573-1620)] 狀元翰林院編修)

重刻漢壽亭侯集 Chongke Han Shoutinghou ji (方塋著浙江人號竹居)

關帝集 Guandi ji (辛全 [1588-1636] 著綘州人保舉知府)

關帝級 Guandi ji (沈泰灝著浙江鄞縣人)

關聖帝君祖墓碑集 Guan sheng dijun zumubei ji (王朱旦浙江鄞縣人解州太守發祥始末本此)

武安王集附錄 Wu’anwang ji fulu (昭陽李葉纂輯)

A list of other works consulted (e.g. official histories, collected writings, local gazetteers) is also given (1:48b-49a).


  1. Guan Yu: The Religious Afterlife of A Failed Hero,p. 8.
  2. “The Textual Canonization of Guandi”, pp. 510-512.
  3. See Eminent Chinese of the Ch’ing Period, p. 23 for his elder brother’s biography.

參考文獻 Bibliography

Goossaert, Vincent. “The Textual Canonization of Guandi”, in Barbara Hoster, Dirk Kulhmann, and Zbigniew Wesolowski (eds.), Rooted in Hope/ In der Hoffnung verwurzelt. Festschrift in Honor of Roman Malek S.V.D. on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday/Festschrift für Roman Malek S.V.D. zu seinem 65. Geburtstag. Abingdon/New York: Routledge, “Monumenta Serica Monograph Series 68”, 2017, pp. 509-525.

Hummel, Arthur W. Eminent Chinese of the Chʻing Period (1644-1912). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1943.

Li Shiwei 李世偉. “Chuangxin shengzhe: Guan sheng dijun shengji tuzhi yu Guandi chongbai” 創新聖者:關聖帝君聖蹟圖誌於關帝崇拜, in Wang Jianchuan 王見川, Su Qinghua 素慶華, Liu Wenxing 劉文星 (eds.), Jindai de Guandi xinyang yu jingdian: jiantan qi zai Xin, Ma de fazhan 近代的關帝信仰與經典: 兼談其在新、馬的發展, Taipei: Boyang wenhua chubanshe, 2010, pp. 69-88.

Ter Haar, Barend J. Guan Yu: The Religious Afterlife of A Failed Hero, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.

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有關書刊 See Also and Parallel Texts

關聖帝君聖蹟圖志全集 - DGZ53

關聖帝君聖迹圖志全集 - GDZ1

關聖帝君聖迹圖志全集 - GDZ2

功德榜 Contributors
