醒夢編 - H159
醒夢編 Xing meng bian |
別名 Other Titles: |
有關人物 Associated Persons: 葛玄, 謝復瑞, 西洛雲松子, 濟顛醉, 石有恆, 白玉蟾, 覺修子桂本錄, 捧花道子王本承
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication: 嘉定 版式 Format: 木刻版 出版者 Publisher(s): 惠雲善壇 出版年 Publication Date: 1904 載於 Located In: Ming Qing minjian zongjiao jingjuan wenxian - H Volume 11, pp. 199-225 |
Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 醒夢編 - H159" |
Xingmengbian is a collection of spirit-written revelations produced between 1902 and 1903 at an altar in Jiading county. The main deity at this altar was Ge Xuan 葛玄.
別名 Other Titles
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication
Liuhe town 瀏河鎮, Jiading county 嘉定縣, Taicang subprefecture 太倉州, Jiangsu.
出版年 Publication Date(s)
1904 (光緒甲辰)
有關人物 Associated Person(s)
No Additional Information
內容 Contents
- 醒夢編并言 [頁201]
- 醒夢編詞 [頁201]
- 調寄南柯子 [頁201]
- 醒夢編序 [頁202]
- 自序 [頁202]
- 醒夢編卷一 [頁203-206]
- 醒夢編卷二 [頁206-209]
- 醒夢編卷三 [頁210-216]
- 勸孝說 [頁210-212]
- 戒淫說 [頁213-214]
- 戒食說 [頁215]
- 戒酒說 [頁215-216]
- 醒夢編卷四 [頁216-222]
- 勸禁淫戲說 [頁216]
- 慎口過說 [頁216-217]
- 戒烟說 [頁217]
- 戒賭說 [頁217-218]
- 慎術業 [頁218-219]
- 惜字紙 [頁219]
- 散米穀 [頁219-220]
- 尊師傳 [頁220]
- 慎交游 [頁220-219]
- 醒夢編詞 [頁221-222]
- 跋 [頁222]
- 諸真降題醒夢編詩 [頁222]
- 諸真降題醒夢編詞 [頁223-224]
- 調寄漁父詞 即漁謌子 [頁223]
- 調寄西江月 [頁223-224]
- 醒夢編記言 [頁224]
- 惠雲善壇創始記 [頁225]
序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces
- 醒夢編并言
- 光緒之壬寅冬月西洛雲松子謹序 [1902]
- 醒夢編詞
- 回生謹題
- 調寄南柯子
- 濟顛醉題
- 醒夢編序
- 光緒壬寅冬月石有恆謹序 [1902]
- 自序
- 光緒壬寅季第二十二幅地葛玄自誌 [1902]
- 跋
- 光緒癸卯夏四月望日回生跋於惠雲善壇 [1903]
- 諸真降題醒夢編詩
- 諸真降題醒夢編詞
- 光緒癸卯孟夏望日紫清養素白玉蟾謹識
- 醒夢編記言
- 光緒二十九年歲次癸卯閏五月 日覺修子桂本錄謹記 [1903]
- 惠雲善壇創始記
- 光緒貳拾玖年歲次癸卯四月 捧花道子王本承謹記 [1903]
註疏 Commentary
Another edition was published around 1921 by Shanghai Hongda shanshu zong faxingsuo 上海宏大善書縂發行所, when the Huiyun 惠雲 altar was moved to the new Liuhe town (according to the introduction at the end of the book written in 1921).
參考文獻 Bibliography
Goossaert, Vincent. "The Jin’gaishan network," Daoism in Modern China. Clerics and Temples in Urban Transformations, 1860–Present, Vincent GOOSSAERT & LIU Xun (eds.). London: Routledge, 2021, pp. 83-119.