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|pinyin_title=Xu bi qiu ni zhuan
|creator_list=Zhenhua (1909-1947) 震華, Chaochen (d.2017) 超塵
|publication_places=Zhulin Monastery (Zhulin si 竹林寺)
|format=Woodblock printing 木刻版
Xu biqiuni zhuan was printed from April 1941 to February 1942 within the Zhulin monastery 竹林寺 in Zhenjiang 鎮江, Jiangsu province, using woodblock printing (muke 木刻).  It consists of six “scroll” (juan 卷), or chapters in total, and was first distributed in Zhulin monastery and Yufo monastery 玉佛寺 in Shanghai around August 1942. The text was finished long before its distribution, but it was accidentally lost because of warfare in 1937. It was later recompiled and prepared for publication around December 1940.

|publication_places= Zhulin monastery 竹林寺 in Zhenjiang 鎮江, Jiangsu province
|publication_dates=  December 1940
*Zhenhua's 震華 preface, written in April 1939
*Shoupei's 守培 preface, written in Summer of 1936
*Chaochen's 超塵 postface, written in 1942
*封面 Title Page
*卷一 (Liang 梁,Chen 陳, Northern Qi 北齊, Sui 隋, Tang 唐 )
*卷二 (Wudai 五代, Song 宋)
*卷三 (Yuan 元, Ming 明)
*卷四 (Qing 清)
*卷五 (Qing 清)
*卷六 (Republica of China 中華民國)
I was not able to find a copy of the original edition of Continued Biographies published in the 1940s. A search of this text on Worldcat yields fourteen results. All of which are reprinted editions published from the 1980s to the 2000s. The most cited edition by scholars was Xu biqiuni zhuan quanji 續比丘尼傳全集 (Comprehensive Collection on Continued Biographies of Nuns) published by Buddhist Publishing Press (fojiao chubanshe 佛教出版社) or Buddhist Book Press (foxue shuju 佛學書局) in 1988.  This edition was problematic as it was transcribed with added punctuation. In this study, I will use the reprinted version published by Jingling scriptural press (jingling kejingchu金陵刻經處) in 2006. This version appears to be the same as the one included in the Collected Works on Eminent Monks (Gaoseng zhuan heji 高僧傳合集) published by Shanghai Classics Publishing House (shanghai guji chubanshe 上海古籍出版社) in 2011. Both reprinted versions are based on the 1941 edition printed in Zhulin Monastery. The Jingling edition has three volumes (ce 冊) divided into a total of six scrolls. The first scroll included thirty-four biographies in the Liang 梁 (502-557), Chen 陳 (557-589), Northern Qi 北齊 (550-577), Sui 隋 (581-618), and Tang 唐 (618-907); the second included thirty in the Five dynasties 五代 (902-979) and the Song 宋 (960-1279); the third included twenty-two in the Yuan 元 (1271-1368) and Ming 明 (1368-1644); the fourth had forty-four and the fifth has forty-two, all from the Qing 清 (1644-1912); the final had twenty-seven from the Republic of China (Zhonghua minguo中華民國) (1912-1949). In addition, forty-seven sub-biographical entries were included within some biographies. The numbers of entries in each dynasty are not balanced, with as many as eighty-six biographies from the Qing and as few as only one entry from the Chen, Northern Qi, and Sui respectively. There are two prefaces (xu 序), a list of donors titled “Le zhu zhude fangming” 樂助功德芳名 (The Names of the Meritorious who Helped [The Production]), and one postface (ba 跋) in the text. The first preface was written by Zhenhua in April 1939. The second preface was written by Zhenhua’s master Shoupei’s 守培 (1884-1955) preface written in the summer of 1936. The production of this text was donated by numerous monastics and laypeople. The postface was written by Zhenhua’s disciple Chaochen 超塵 (d. 2017) in 1942. According to the postface, the text was recompiled from scratch by Chaochen with considerable help from Zhenhua. In the postface, Chaochen recorded the difficult process of compiling the text after it was lost in 1937. We learn that Zhenhua was not the sole compiler of this text. Rather, it was a collaborative effort; his disciple Chaochen made a significant contribution to restore the text and facilitate its completion. He wrote that the process of compiling this text was extremely challenging after it was lost owning to warfare. He also admitted that the quality of the text was affected, because collecting sources was difficult, and Zhenhua couldn’t recall some of the details in the biographies. However, it’s difficult to determine the extent of Chaochen’s involvement in editing and modifying this text.
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|contributor_list=[[User:Liu Taolin]]

Latest revision as of 21:32, 30 October 2023