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From Chinese Religious Text Authority
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=='''Entry Creation Guide'''==
This guide outlines the process for creating a new CRTA entry, using data from a hardcopy or scanned version of the text.


===Create a link to a new entry page===
'''General Guidelines'''
# Click “Edit” on the collection page that contains the text you wish to write about. “Edit” is right of center below the collection title at the top of the page.
* Make use of the [[Guide:Mock Entry]] or [[Guide:Mock Periodical Entry]] as a template for your entry
# On the “Editing” page, scroll through the text in the editing window until you find the text you want. 
* Data must be added in a very specific format, so please follow the instructions carefully
# To create a link, first add the text’s designation in our corpus following the title.
* While editing, you can click '''Show Preview''' at any time to see a preview of your entry, but this does not save your work
#*For example, 潘公免灾寶卷 becomes 潘公免灾寶卷 - J202 (title, one space, -, one space, designation without period {J202, not J.202})
* You can always '''Save Changes''' in the middle of working on an entry, and then continue to '''Edit''' your entry
#Enclose the text’s name and designation in double square brackets
* Mediawiki formatting basics: To italicize any word, put it between double apostrophes like this: <code><nowiki>''italics''</nowiki></code> (note, these are NOT quotation marks ""), and to make text bold, use three apostrophes: <code><nowiki>'''bold'''</nowiki></code>. Links to another CRTA page are surrounded in double square brackets like so: <code><nowiki>[[淨土四經 - DCCB2246]]</nowiki></code>, and links to an external webpage are surrounded in single square brackets like so: <code><nowiki>[ Wikimedia Commons]</nowiki></code>
#*Like so:<code><nowiki>[[潘公免灾寶卷 - J202]]</nowiki></code>
#Scroll to the bottom of the “Editing” page and click the blue “Save changes” button.  
#Now you should be back on the Collection page and see a red link on the title where black text had been previously.

===Create a new entry===
#Click on the red link to your new entry.
#You will be taken to a page titled “Creating <nowiki>[title of your entry]</nowiki>” which will say “You have followed a link to a page that does not exist yet. To create the page, start typing in the box below (see the help page for more info). If you are here by mistake, click your browser's back button.”  Since you are not here by mistake, do not click the back button.  It will look something like this:

===Create your “Infobox”===
== Create a Red Link for your New Entry ==
'''If at any point you’re not sure how what you’re entering will look on the page, click “Show Preview.”  This DOES NOT save your work, however.''' 

#In the edit window (where you can type), begin first by typing: <code><nowiki>{{Item_infobox</nowiki></code> and then hitting enter/return to take you to the next line. Now you can begin entering basic bibliographical information that will be indexed by the advanced search function. On each line, you will create definitions for terms based on the text you are examining.
# Start by creating a link to your new entry on an existing collection page
#*It is very important here that we only include information from the text itself. For example, this is not the place to include a purported author if the work itself does not include that author’s name.
# Click '''Edit''' on the collection page that contains the text you wish to write about
#Open [[Template:Item_infobox]] in another tab or window in your web browser. Do not close the tab/window with Creation page open in it. You will want to go back and forth between the two. 
# Once you are '''Editing''' the collection page, scroll through the text in the editing window until you find the line for the new entry you want
#This page shows a list of the type of information that goes in the Infobox, and the required formatting for that data so it will play well with our advanced search function. 
# To create a new link, replace the title of the text with the name of your new entry, following these guidelines:
#*If you are comfortable with following succinct technical language, this template page has descriptions for each field that will guide you in creating a functional Infobox entry. If you need more detailed descriptions, see [[Guide:Entry_Creation#Details_on_infobox_terms |Details on infobox terms]] below.
#* Use the title of the text as the title of your entry
#After including as many terms as you have data for, you will have a list that looks something like this: [[File:ItemboxTermListExample1.png|center]]
#* '''Do not include dynastic era, editor's name, number of fascicles 卷, or any other extra information that may be included on the collection page'''
#*As you can see, because we do not know the author of this text, there is no line for the term <code><nowiki>|creator_list= </nowiki></code>
#* For example, 潘公免灾寶卷 becomes 潘公免灾寶卷 - J202 (title, one space, -, one space, collection and index)
# Finish your infobox by typing <code><nowiki>}}</nowiki></code>
# Enclose the text’s title and designation in double square brackets like so:<code><nowiki>[[潘公免灾寶卷 - J202]]</nowiki></code>; this is the code for a link to another page on the wiki
#'''SAVE YOUR PAGE NOW''' so you don’t lose your hard work!
# Scroll to the bottom of the '''Editing''' page and click the '''Save changes''' button
# Now you should be back on the Collection page and see a red link on the title where black text had been previously; a red link means that the page doesn't exist yet

====''Details on infobox terms''====
*After <code>|title=</code> , type the text’s name in Chinese as is given on the title page (if the text has one).  When in doubt, use the name given by the reprint collection’s table of contents.
*After <code>|pinyin_title= </code>, render the same title given above in Hanyu pinyin with a space between each syllable. Do not use multi-syllabic compounds, even if it looks awkward.
*For now, do not write anything after <code> |image= </code>. This is an advanced step which will be described in [[Guide:Entry_Creation#Uploading_and_adding_an_image_to_the_Infobox |Step 5 of this guide]].
*After <code>|title_list=</code> , you may choose to list other forms of the title if they are used within the text itself. Separate each title listed with a comma. These titles should only be in Chinese characters, not in pinyin. You will want to explain where/why these alternate forms are used in the “Item Data” field <code>|other_titles=</code> that will appear in the main body of the page. (See [[Guide:Entry_Creation#Details_on_item_data_terms| Item data terms]] below for more on this field.)
*After <code>|publication_places=</code> , create a list, as you did above for titles, of the locations associated with the text. This can include the location name as it is written/printed in the text, the modern name of that place, and the Romanized name for that place. You will provide more details on this in the main body of the page. 
**For example: <code>|publication_places= 台灣府, 台南, Tainan</code>
*After <code>|format= </code>, if it is clear from the item, here describe it as one of the following options: 木刻版, 石印版, 活字版, 寫本
*After <code>|creator_list=</code> list any authors or major individuals involved in the creation of the text specifically named by the text. Names should be only in Chinese, not pinyin, and separated by a comma if more than one person is included.
*After <code>|date= </code>, give the year of publication/copying of this specific edition, if one is given in the text. This date should be converted to CE year.  You will give the full date in Chinese, as well as any other necessary explanation on complexities associated with the edition’s dating, in the main body of the page. Here, you must pick a single year for the search engine to work with.
**For example: If the title page says 咸豐八年校正重鐫, you will write: <code>|date=1858</code>
*But, if you are creating an entry for a periodical publication, like a journal, you will instead use the following terms for date:
**After <code>|date_start=</code> , give the first year of publication
**After <code>|date_end= </code>, give the final year of publication
**You MUST include both terms for this to work.
*After <code>|publishers=</code>, give any information on the publication house or print shop that produced this edition, as detailed in the text. Use Chinese characters only. If more than one organization was involved, separate each entry with a comma.
*After <code>|located_in=</code> , this is where you give specific information about where the item you are examining can be found by other users. In the case of our current phase of the project, this means you will provide a link back to the collection page, followed by the volume number and pages within that collection where the reprint is located.
**For example, to link to the Minjian baojuan - J collection page, type <code><nowiki>[[Minjian baojuan - J]]</nowiki></code> and then, outside of the double square brackets, type volume and page range.
REMEMBER: If any of the above information is not available for the text you are examining, do not create a line in the Infobox for it.

===Fill in page body===
== Create Your New Entry ==
'''If at any point you’re not sure how what you’re entering will look on the page, click “Show Preview.”  This DOES NOT save your work, however. '''

#Click the “edit” link on your in-progress page to take you back to the editing window. This link is right above the Infobox you just created! 
# Click on the red link to your new entry, and you will arrive at a page titled "Creating <nowiki>[title of your entry]</nowiki>"
#Now, below the completed Infobox code, you may write a short summary of the text. Two to three sentences at most.
# In a new browser tab, open [[Guide:Mock Entry]], click '''Edit''', select all the code in the edit box and copy it (Ctrl+C on Windows; Command+C on Mac)
#:To italicize any word, put it between double apostrophes like this: <code><nowiki>''italics''</nowiki></code> (note, these are NOT quotation marks “”), and to make text bold, use three apostrophes: <code><nowiki>'''bold''' </nowiki></code>. 
# Return to the browser tab with your new entry, and paste the code into the edit box; you can close the tab with the Mock Entry in it
#On the next line, type <code><nowiki>__TOC__</nowiki></code> to begin formatting the body of the page.
# You now have the basic structure of an entry, but you will need to add your own data and replace any placeholder data
#On the next line, type <code><nowiki>{{Item_data </nowiki></code>
[[File:Mock entry code new.png|400px|thumb|center|You want to select all the code in the edit box for the mock entry, and then copy and paste it into your new entry]]
#Open [[Template:Item_data]] in another tab or window in your web browser. Do not close the tab/window with Creation page open in it. You will want to go back and forth between the two. This page shows a list of the type of information that goes in the into the main body of the entry page.
#:These entries can be as succinct or as detailed as you like. At minimum, they should explain any ambiguities or complexities for the succinct data included in the Infobox,  If this particular edition of the text is significant, you may want to include more detail in the |commentary= field
#:If you don’t have information, leave the field out.
#:If you are comfortable with following succinct technical language, this template page has descriptions for each field. If you need more detailed descriptions, see [[Guide:Entry_Creation#Details_on_item_data_terms |Details on item data terms]] below.
#Finish the formatting by typing <code>}}</code>

====''Details on item data terms''====
*After <code>|other_titles= </code>, give details on the other titles included in the Infobox title list. Where are they found within the text? Commonly used translations of the Chinese title into other languages can be included here too.
*After <code>|publication_places= </code>, explain the list of locations included in the Infobox. Where is this location name found in the text? What is its modern equivalent if the location name is no longer used?
*After <code>|publication_dates= </code>, give the date as written/printed in the text that corresponds to the CE date you included in the Infobox. If there are any details that complicate the text’s dating, you may want to explain them here. 
*After <code>|content_list= </code>, list all parts of the text in a bulleted list (that is, each line item begins with a single asterisk). For a single volume work without paratext, this is easy. For a lengthy anthology, this could take a significant amount of work. 
**For example:
<code><nowiki>|content_list=*封面 Title Page
*龍牌 Dragon stele
*香女像 Portrait of Xiangnü
*太華山紫金鎮兩世修行劉香寶卷全集上 (1a-69a)
*太華山紫金鎮兩世修行劉香寶卷全集下 (1a-56b)</nowiki></code>
*After <code>|prefaces_and_postfaces=</code>, list any paratextual materials that should be especially highlighted for their value in contextualizing this item. Preface each title with an asterisk, and the date and author names with two asterisks.  For items without their own titles, give the first five characters of the piece.
**For example:
<code><nowiki>|prefaces_and_postfaces= *序 「有朋之遠方」
*After <code>|commentary=</code> , it is up to you the level of detail about the item (or the tradition of the text itself) that you would like to go into. 
**To italicize any word, put it between double apostrophes like this: <code><nowiki>''italics''</nowiki></code> (note, these are NOT quotation marks “”), and to make text bold, use three apostrophes: <code><nowiki>'''bold'''</nowiki></code>. 
**To include a link to an external webpage, follow this format: <code><nowiki> [ Worldcat] </nowiki></code> to have the word Worldcat become a hyperlink.
**To create a linked reference, a superscript number that links to an endnote reference, follow this format where you would like to place the number:
***<code><nowiki><ref> Endnote text and reference </ref></nowiki></code>
***Please follow [ Chicago Manual of Style] for notes in both Western languages, and use the [ ''T'oung Pao'' stylesheet] as a guide for CJK references. More details on CRTA expected citation style can be found on the [[Guide:Citation_Styles|Citation Styles]] page.
**If you want the endnote to include a hyperlink, it will look like this:
***<code><nowiki><ref>End note text  [ Linked Endnote Reference] more end note text </ref></nowiki></code>
***Please follow [ Chicago Manual of Style] for bibliographic entries in Western languages, and use the [ ''T'oung Pao'' stylesheet] as a guide for CJK references. More details on CRTA expected citation style can be found on the [[Guide:Citation_Styles|Citation Styles]] page.
*After <code>|bibliography</code>, write an alphabetized bibliography of sources that directly address this item. After including complete bibliographic entries for all sources cited using note-form in the "Commentary" section endnotes, you may also add in resources that have not been directly referenced or explained in the commentary section, but may be important books or articles related to the item.
**As with references in <code>|commentary=</code>, please follow [ Chicago Manual of Style] for bibliographic entries in Western languages, and use the [ ''T'oung Pao'' stylesheet] as a guide for CJK references. More details on CRTA expected citation style can be found on the [[Guide:Citation_Styles|Citation Styles]] page.
**You may create hyperlinks within the bibliography if the resource is available online.
*After <code>|fulltext= </code>, if a digital full text for this specific edition is hosted somewhere online, please include a link to it. 
**To include a link to an external webpage, follow this format: <code><nowiki>[ Worldcat] </nowiki></code> to have the word Worldcat become a hyperlink.
*After <code>|see_also=</code> , you may also want to include links to other items in CRTA which correspond to this one. To link to an internal page, put its title between two square brackets. For example: <code><nowiki>[[潘公免灾寶卷 - J202]] </nowiki></code>
*For <code>|contributor_list=</code>,  add an internal link to your User Page. Like this:
**<code><nowiki>[[User:Katherine|Katherine]]</nowiki></code> (except use your own name!!)

===Uploading and adding an image to the Infobox===
== Add Infobox Data ==
#Open a new tab or window in your browser to the [[Special:Upload]]. You can also find this by opening [[Main Page]] in another tab/window and clicking on “Upload File” on the far left of the page underneath the heading “Wiki Tools.” This is easier If you can go back and forth between the “Upload File” page and your item entry page.
#:This page currently looks like:  [[File:UploadFilePage.png|center]]
#Use “Browse” to locate your image, making sure it is of the appropriate file size and format.
#In “Destination filename,” you may want to edit the file name from a generic “pic0435.jpg” to something like “PanGongBaojuan1865.jpg” for ease of use later.
#In “Summary” you can give a brief description of what the image is, if you wish.
#Click “Upload File”
#:This will take you to a page that looks something like this:  [[File:ImageFilePage.png|center]]
#Go back to the tab in which you have your item entry open.  Click the “Edit” link.
#Now go to the line <code>|image=</code> in your Infobox code near the beginning of your entry.
#Type the following in after the <code>|image=</code> label: 
<code><nowiki>[[File: PanGongBaojuan1865.jpg|center|200px|thumb]]</nowiki></code>

where you replace the name of the image with the name at the top of the page you are at in the other tab. If you left a string of numbers or a long file name in step 3 above, this will be annoying. Do not change any of the other text because it formats the image within the Infobox.  
The infobox data appears in a small frame in the upper right of the entry. The data entered here is added to a database and can be searched using keywords. '''Do not include data here that is not supported by evidence'''; if there are suspected contributors or a likely publication date, add this in the next section, not here. '''Do not''' include any additional information in parentheses such as dynastic names for contributors (<code>(唐)</code>)

In the edit box, navigate to the <code>Item_infobox</code> section and start replacing each line of placeholder data with data for your text as follows. Don't change the code at the start of each line, and add your data following the equals (=) sign. '''Avoid''' using Chinese-style commas <code>、</code> and <code>,</code> to separate strings in a list; use the standard comma <code>,</code> instead.

===Example: Code for the 潘公免灾寶卷 - J202 page===
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50em;"
! Item_infobox Code !! Type of Data Required !! What to add
| <code>title=</code> || String of Chinese Characters || Title of the text in Chinese, should be the same as the entry title (but without the collection index)
| <code>pinyin_title=</code> || String of Pinyin || Title of the text in library Hanyu pinyin, which leaves a space between each syllable. Be sure to render ü properly (eg. 呂 is lü, not lu and certainly not lv!)
| <code>image=</code> || Mediawiki Code || Don't change this for now; adding a cover image is an advanced step covered at the end of this guide
| <code>title_list=</code> || List of Chinese Character Strings || This may be left blank, otherwise you can list alternate titles for the text in Chinese characters, separated by a comma and one space; see the image below for an example
| <code>publication_places=</code> || List of Chinese Character Strings || This may be left blank, but if one or more places of publication are known, list them here in Chinese characters; you can include both historical and modern place names here (eg. <code>金陵, 南京</code>), but do not include any pinyin or Romanized names
| <code>format=</code> || One of: <code>木刻版, 石印版, 活字版, 寫本</code> || This may be left blank, but if it is clear from the text, enter one of the options listed to the left; if the text uses more than one format, choose the most representative option, and add additional detail in the entry body
| <code>creator_list=</code> || List of Chinese Character Strings || This may be left blank, otherwise list individuals involved in the text that are ''specifically'' named within the text. Do not include any titles unless they are part of the name (eg. don't include 法師, but do include 居士). You may include alternate names here but explain the names in the <code>creator_info</code> section of entry body below.
| <code>date=</code> || Integer Number || This may be left blank, otherwise provide the Common Era year of the production of this text, which might be the year of block carving, copying, or printing; '''do not''' include anything other than a number here, you can explain further details about the production date in the entry body below
| <code>date_start=</code> and <code>date_end=</code> || Integer Number || You should either provide a <code>|date=</code> line or this pair of lines, which is intended for periodicals or works that were produced over two or more years; each line should have its own CE year for the first and final year of publication, respectively
| <code>publishers=</code> || List of Chinese Character Strings || This may be left blank, otherwise list any publication house or print shop involved in producing or distributed this text, separated by a comma and one space
| <code>located_in=</code> || Mediawiki Code || Include a link back to the collection page where this text appears, and if available, the location, library identifier, or catalogue number for this object, or the volume and page numbers if in a facsimile reprint collection.
'''REMEMBER''': If any of the above information is not available for the text you are examining, do not guess or enter unconfirmed data.
[[File:ItemboxTermListExample2.png|center|500px|thumb|Example of a completed Infobox]]
'''SAVE YOUR PAGE NOW''' so you don’t lose your hard work!

== Add Item Data ==
|pinyin_title=Pan Gong mian zai bao juan
|title_list=免災寶卷, 潘公免災救難寶卷
|publication_places=姑蘇, 蘇州, Suzhou
|located_in=[[Minjian_baojuan - J]] Volume 15, pp. 281-318.
''Pan Gong mianzai baojuan'' is a three-volume ''baojuan'' composed after the fall of Nanjing in 1853 to the Taipings. In the first volume, Pan Gong appears in dreams to warn a relative of the Nanjing’s impending fall, detailing how to live morally in order to be among those who avoid the coming disaster. The middle volume directly addresses the fall of Nanjing and the moral flaws in those who died, and the final volume consists of Pan Gong lecturing his tenants on morality.
|other_titles=The title page, pictured right, gives the title as 潘公免災寶卷。 On the center of each page(版心), the shortened title in this edition is 免災寶卷. However, on the first page of each of the three volumes, the full length title is 潘公免災救難寶卷。 In ''What Remains: Coming to Terms with Civil War in 19th Century China'', Tobie Meyer-Fong renders the title in English as: "The Precious Scroll in which Mr. Pan [explains] How to Avoid Catastrophe."
|publication_places=The location given on the title page is 姑蘇,a former name for Suzhou 蘇州。
|publication_dates= The date on the title page, 咸豐八年校正重鐫, corresponds with 1858-02-14 to 1859-02-02.
*序 「公姓潘氏諱...」
*贊曰 「現宰官身為...」
*封面 Title Page
*潘公遺像 Pan Gong posthumous portrait
*序 「公姓潘氏諱...」
*序 「潘公上中下...」
*劫海慈航圖 Illustration of the Mercy Boat on the Sea of Disaster
*潘公托夢圖 Illustration of Pan Gong Sending a Dream
*潘公免災救難寶卷卷上 (1a-24b)
*潘公免災救難寶卷卷中 (1a-25b)
*新刻潘公免災救難寶卷卷下 (1a-20b)
*Donor list (20b)

There is no explicit authorial attribution within the text. However, 賴進興 (Lai Jin-xin), in her 2005 MA thesis <ref>[ 晚清江南士紳的慈善事業及其教化理念─以余治(1809-1874)為中心]</ref>  makes a convincing case for attributing this ''baojuan,'' along with two others, to late Qing moralist Yu Zhi 余治 (1809-1874). This particular edition, printed by Dejian zhai 得見齋 in 1858, is one piece of evidence used in this case, as 晦齋氏 and 晦齋居士 are both studio names used by Yu Zhi. Most of Yu Zhi's signed publications were also first printed at this publishing house. Also, internally, the text bears many hallmarks of his writing style and perspective.  
The Item Data section contains free-form information about the text, and is where contributors can elaborate upon the essential data included in the Item Infobox template.

'''Pan Gong/Pan Zengyi'''
* Click the '''Edit''' link at the top of your page to take you back to the editing window. Immediately following the completed Infobox template and above the <code><nowiki>__TOC__</nowiki></code> line, you should now add a '''short description of the item''' with essential information about the text, no longer than three sentences.
[[File:Item description example.png|600px|center|thumb|Here the item description is highlighted in green.]]
* Next you should replace the placeholder data in the Item Data template with data from your text, following the guidelines below. Please leave a field blank instead of adding "No information" or similar. These entries can be as simple or as detailed as you like. At minimum, they should explain any ambiguities or complexities for the data included in the Infobox.

The real-life Pan Zengyi 潘曾沂 (1792-1853), deified in this as the heavenly functionary Pan Gong, died on 咸豐二年12月20日 (January 28, 1853). Pan Zengyi did not have a successful career in the Qing bureaucracy, but he developed a significant reputation throughout Jiangnan for his philanthropy. <ref>See 王卫平 “ 清代江南地区慈善事业慈善家系谱- 以潘曾沂为中心的考察” ''Xin huawen diao'', 18 (2009): 61-65.</ref> Pan Zengyi’s father, Pan Shi’en 潘世恩 (1770-1854) served a number of high positions at court in Beijing, and was eventually promoted to Grand Secretary (1833-1850), and made a Grand Councilor (1834-1849). <ref>See ''Eminent Chinese of the Ch’ing Period'', 2:607-608</ref> Pan Zengyi’s nephew, Pan Zuyin 潘祖蔭 (1830-1890), was a central figure in Taiping and post-Taiping gentry-official patronage networks in Jiangnan and Beijing. <ref>See James Polachek, “Gentry Hegemony: Soochow in the T’ung-chih Restoration” in ''Conflict and Control in Late Imperial China''.</ref>
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50em;"
! Item_data Code !! What to add
| <code>other_titles=</code> || Details on any other titles included in the Infobox title list. Where are they found within the text? Commonly used translations of the Chinese title into other languages can be included here too.
| <code>publication_places=</code> || Explanations of any locations included in the Infobox, or information on suspected locations if uncertain. Where is this location name found in the text? What is its modern equivalent if the location name is no longer used?
| <code>publication_dates=</code> || Explanations or further details on the date included in the Infoxbox, or information on possible or suspected dates of production if uncertain. If there are any details that complicate the text’s dating, you may want to explain them here.
| <code>creator_info=</code> || Explanations of names of contributors included in the Infobox.
| <code>content_list=</code> || Here you can provide a list of contents for the text, such as chapter or section titles, titles included within the text, and so on. Translations of section titles into English are '''not''' required. The clearest way to show this information is as a bullet or numbered list, using * for bullets and # for a numbered list.
| <code>prefaces_and_postfaces=</code> || Any paratextual materials that are important can be described here. As with the list of contents, use a bullet list to list each title, and include author names and dates for each if possible. You can include prefaces and postfaces in both the list of contents and in this section, but here you are able to provide more detail about these important pieces.
| <code>commentary=</code> || This section is for any additional information that doesn't fit into any other section, or for longer essay-style discussions of the text. To create references, add each one to the body of the commentary surrounded in <code><nowiki><ref></ref></nowiki></code> tags, and include a section at the end of the commentary <code><nowiki><references /></nowiki></code> where a list of references will appear.
| <code>bibliography=</code> || This can include an alphabetized bibliography of sources that discuss this text. You should also include bibliographic entries for all sources cited in the "Commentary" section here as well.
| <code>fulltext=</code> || If any digitized versions of '''this exact edition of the text''' are available online, they can be listed here with hyperlinks. Separate each link with a bullet point *. The format to link to a page external to CRTA is <code><nowiki>[ Worldcat]</nowiki></code>.
| <code>contributor_list=</code> || Add an internal link to your User Page, like this: <code><nowiki>[[User:Katherine|Katherine]]</nowiki></code> (except use your own name!!). List multiple contributors in a list, separated by a comma and a space. Please do not remove any links listed here.

For all parts of the entry, follow the [ Chicago Manual of Style] for notes in Western languages, and use the [ ''T'oung Pao'' stylesheet] as a guide for CJK references. More details on CRTA expected citation style can be found on the [[Guide:Style and Formatting|Style and Formatting]] page.

Pan Zengyi was a devout Buddhist. This ''baojuan'' draws on Pan’s reputation for Buddhist piety and good works as in an attempt to reframe the system of heavenly moral arithmetic repeated throughout Yu Zhi's works within the new context of heavenly mercy, not just of the heavenly bureaucrats striving to strike names from their ledgers of individuals deserving punishment, but of Guanyin’s all-encompassing grace, sailing out into the stormy sea of disaster on her boat of compassion, saving drowning sinners from death.
If for any of these fields you don't have clear data, simply leave them blank.

Written in the midst of violent conflict, long before Qing restoration was a foregone conclusion, condemnation of those who died in the Taiping invasion of Jiangnan as having deserved it for their moral failings serves as an explanation for the war without having to acknowledge the Taiping's political claims. The vivid poetry commemorating the fall of Nanjing in the second volume becomes part memorial ode, part desperate warning to those still living to watch their world crumble, wondering why it happened and how they might save themselves from similar fates.
Finally, save your page to commit your changes. You've created a new entry!

For more analysis of themes in this text, see Chapter 2, "Words," in Tobie Meyer-Fong, ''What Remains: Coming to Terms with Civil War in 19th Century China'' ([ English edition, 2013]) (Chinese edition, ''forthcoming'') and Chapter 3, "Moralizing the Immoral: Vernacular Literature and Confucian Conservatism" in Katherine Alexander's PhD dissertation ''Virtues of the Vernacular: Moral Reconstruction in Late Qing Jiangnan and the Revitalization of Baojuan.''
Additional guides for specific types of entries can be found here:
* [[Guide:Religious Periodicals]]

== Uploading and Adding an Image ==

<references />
Ideally, entries should provide a representative image if one is available, which would normally be the cover or title page of the work.

|see_also=[[潘公免災寶卷 - F63]] (facsimile of same edition - confirmed via woodblock cracks)
# Capture an image of the cover page or title page of the text, whichever seems more representative; scale the image or convert it to indexed colour so that it is less than 1mb in size; and save it as a jpg or png file
# Open a new tab in your browser to the [[Special:Upload]] page. You can also find this by opening [[Main Page]] in another tab/window and clicking on '''Upload File''' on the far left of the page; this is easier if you can easily switch back and forth between the '''Upload File''' page and your item entry page.
# Use '''Browse''' to locate the image on your computer
# In '''Destination filename''', you may want to edit the file name from a generic filename to something like <code>PanGongBaojuan1865.jpg</code> for ease of use later.
# In '''Summary''' you can give a brief description of what the image is, if you wish; if it's a book cover there's no need, but later on if you want to add more images it helps to describe them and their source here
# Click '''Upload File''', and after you upload your file, you will be taken to its newly created wiki page
# '''Edit''' your new entry, and scroll to the line <code>|image=</code> in the Infobox code near the beginning of your entry
# Replace the <code>No cover.png</code> in the infobox with the filename of your uploaded image, being sure to keep the <code>File:</code> at the beginning
# Save your entry to commit these changes

Latest revision as of 02:36, 6 March 2024

This guide outlines the process for creating a new CRTA entry, using data from a hardcopy or scanned version of the text.

General Guidelines

  • Make use of the Guide:Mock Entry or Guide:Mock Periodical Entry as a template for your entry
  • Data must be added in a very specific format, so please follow the instructions carefully
  • While editing, you can click Show Preview at any time to see a preview of your entry, but this does not save your work
  • You can always Save Changes in the middle of working on an entry, and then continue to Edit your entry
  • Mediawiki formatting basics: To italicize any word, put it between double apostrophes like this: ''italics'' (note, these are NOT quotation marks ""), and to make text bold, use three apostrophes: '''bold'''. Links to another CRTA page are surrounded in double square brackets like so: [[淨土四經 - DCCB2246]], and links to an external webpage are surrounded in single square brackets like so: [ Wikimedia Commons]

Create a Red Link for your New Entry

  1. Start by creating a link to your new entry on an existing collection page
  2. Click Edit on the collection page that contains the text you wish to write about
  3. Once you are Editing the collection page, scroll through the text in the editing window until you find the line for the new entry you want
  4. To create a new link, replace the title of the text with the name of your new entry, following these guidelines:
    • Use the title of the text as the title of your entry
    • Do not include dynastic era, editor's name, number of fascicles 卷, or any other extra information that may be included on the collection page
    • For example, 潘公免灾寶卷 becomes 潘公免灾寶卷 - J202 (title, one space, -, one space, collection and index)
  5. Enclose the text’s title and designation in double square brackets like so:[[潘公免灾寶卷 - J202]]; this is the code for a link to another page on the wiki
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the Editing page and click the Save changes button
  7. Now you should be back on the Collection page and see a red link on the title where black text had been previously; a red link means that the page doesn't exist yet

Create Your New Entry

  1. Click on the red link to your new entry, and you will arrive at a page titled "Creating [title of your entry]"
  2. In a new browser tab, open Guide:Mock Entry, click Edit, select all the code in the edit box and copy it (Ctrl+C on Windows; Command+C on Mac)
  3. Return to the browser tab with your new entry, and paste the code into the edit box; you can close the tab with the Mock Entry in it
  4. You now have the basic structure of an entry, but you will need to add your own data and replace any placeholder data
You want to select all the code in the edit box for the mock entry, and then copy and paste it into your new entry

Add Infobox Data

The infobox data appears in a small frame in the upper right of the entry. The data entered here is added to a database and can be searched using keywords. Do not include data here that is not supported by evidence; if there are suspected contributors or a likely publication date, add this in the next section, not here. Do not include any additional information in parentheses such as dynastic names for contributors ((唐))

In the edit box, navigate to the Item_infobox section and start replacing each line of placeholder data with data for your text as follows. Don't change the code at the start of each line, and add your data following the equals (=) sign. Avoid using Chinese-style commas and to separate strings in a list; use the standard comma , instead.

Item_infobox Code Type of Data Required What to add
title= String of Chinese Characters Title of the text in Chinese, should be the same as the entry title (but without the collection index)
pinyin_title= String of Pinyin Title of the text in library Hanyu pinyin, which leaves a space between each syllable. Be sure to render ü properly (eg. 呂 is lü, not lu and certainly not lv!)
image= Mediawiki Code Don't change this for now; adding a cover image is an advanced step covered at the end of this guide
title_list= List of Chinese Character Strings This may be left blank, otherwise you can list alternate titles for the text in Chinese characters, separated by a comma and one space; see the image below for an example
publication_places= List of Chinese Character Strings This may be left blank, but if one or more places of publication are known, list them here in Chinese characters; you can include both historical and modern place names here (eg. 金陵, 南京), but do not include any pinyin or Romanized names
format= One of: 木刻版, 石印版, 活字版, 寫本 This may be left blank, but if it is clear from the text, enter one of the options listed to the left; if the text uses more than one format, choose the most representative option, and add additional detail in the entry body
creator_list= List of Chinese Character Strings This may be left blank, otherwise list individuals involved in the text that are specifically named within the text. Do not include any titles unless they are part of the name (eg. don't include 法師, but do include 居士). You may include alternate names here but explain the names in the creator_info section of entry body below.
date= Integer Number This may be left blank, otherwise provide the Common Era year of the production of this text, which might be the year of block carving, copying, or printing; do not include anything other than a number here, you can explain further details about the production date in the entry body below
date_start= and date_end= Integer Number date= line or this pair of lines, which is intended for periodicals or works that were produced over two or more years; each line should have its own CE year for the first and final year of publication, respectively
publishers= List of Chinese Character Strings This may be left blank, otherwise list any publication house or print shop involved in producing or distributed this text, separated by a comma and one space
located_in= Mediawiki Code Include a link back to the collection page where this text appears, and if available, the location, library identifier, or catalogue number for this object, or the volume and page numbers if in a facsimile reprint collection.

REMEMBER: If any of the above information is not available for the text you are examining, do not guess or enter unconfirmed data.

Example of a completed Infobox

SAVE YOUR PAGE NOW so you don’t lose your hard work!

Add Item Data

The Item Data section contains free-form information about the text, and is where contributors can elaborate upon the essential data included in the Item Infobox template.

  • Click the Edit link at the top of your page to take you back to the editing window. Immediately following the completed Infobox template and above the __TOC__ line, you should now add a short description of the item with essential information about the text, no longer than three sentences.
Here the item description is highlighted in green.
  • Next you should replace the placeholder data in the Item Data template with data from your text, following the guidelines below. Please leave a field blank instead of adding "No information" or similar. These entries can be as simple or as detailed as you like. At minimum, they should explain any ambiguities or complexities for the data included in the Infobox.
Item_data Code What to add
other_titles= Details on any other titles included in the Infobox title list. Where are they found within the text? Commonly used translations of the Chinese title into other languages can be included here too.
publication_places= Explanations of any locations included in the Infobox, or information on suspected locations if uncertain. Where is this location name found in the text? What is its modern equivalent if the location name is no longer used?
publication_dates= Explanations or further details on the date included in the Infoxbox, or information on possible or suspected dates of production if uncertain. If there are any details that complicate the text’s dating, you may want to explain them here.
creator_info= Explanations of names of contributors included in the Infobox.
content_list= Here you can provide a list of contents for the text, such as chapter or section titles, titles included within the text, and so on. Translations of section titles into English are not required. The clearest way to show this information is as a bullet or numbered list, using * for bullets and # for a numbered list.
prefaces_and_postfaces= Any paratextual materials that are important can be described here. As with the list of contents, use a bullet list to list each title, and include author names and dates for each if possible. You can include prefaces and postfaces in both the list of contents and in this section, but here you are able to provide more detail about these important pieces.
commentary= This section is for any additional information that doesn't fit into any other section, or for longer essay-style discussions of the text. To create references, add each one to the body of the commentary surrounded in <ref></ref> tags, and include a section at the end of the commentary <references /> where a list of references will appear.
bibliography= This can include an alphabetized bibliography of sources that discuss this text. You should also include bibliographic entries for all sources cited in the "Commentary" section here as well.
fulltext= If any digitized versions of this exact edition of the text are available online, they can be listed here with hyperlinks. Separate each link with a bullet point *. The format to link to a page external to CRTA is [ Worldcat].
contributor_list= Add an internal link to your User Page, like this: [[User:Katherine|Katherine]] (except use your own name!!). List multiple contributors in a list, separated by a comma and a space. Please do not remove any links listed here.

For all parts of the entry, follow the Chicago Manual of Style for notes in Western languages, and use the T'oung Pao stylesheet as a guide for CJK references. More details on CRTA expected citation style can be found on the Style and Formatting page.

If for any of these fields you don't have clear data, simply leave them blank.

Finally, save your page to commit your changes. You've created a new entry!

Additional guides for specific types of entries can be found here:

Uploading and Adding an Image

Ideally, entries should provide a representative image if one is available, which would normally be the cover or title page of the work.

  1. Capture an image of the cover page or title page of the text, whichever seems more representative; scale the image or convert it to indexed colour so that it is less than 1mb in size; and save it as a jpg or png file
  2. Open a new tab in your browser to the Special:Upload page. You can also find this by opening Main Page in another tab/window and clicking on Upload File on the far left of the page; this is easier if you can easily switch back and forth between the Upload File page and your item entry page.
  3. Use Browse to locate the image on your computer
  4. In Destination filename, you may want to edit the file name from a generic filename to something like PanGongBaojuan1865.jpg for ease of use later.
  5. In Summary you can give a brief description of what the image is, if you wish; if it's a book cover there's no need, but later on if you want to add more images it helps to describe them and their source here
  6. Click Upload File, and after you upload your file, you will be taken to its newly created wiki page
  7. Edit your new entry, and scroll to the line |image= in the Infobox code near the beginning of your entry
  8. Replace the No cover.png in the infobox with the filename of your uploaded image, being sure to keep the File: at the beginning
  9. Save your entry to commit these changes