海潮音 - CBP145

From Chinese Religious Text Authority
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Hai chao yin
別名 Other Titles:
有關人物 Associated Persons: 太虛, 章太炎, 善因, 史一如, 唐大圓, 張化聲, 會覺, 楞伽山民, 錢誠善, 滿智, 法舫, 芝峰, 大醒, 葦舫, 塵空, 福善

出版地區 Place(s) of Publication: 上海, 杭州, 北京, 漢口, 武昌, 重慶, 南京

版式 Format: 活字版

出版者 Publisher(s): 杭州南山淨梵院, 中華書局, 杭州西湖彌勒院覺社, 佛學書局

出版年間 Publication Period: 1920 - 1949

載於 Located In: Minguo Fojiao qikan wenxian jicheng - MFQ

Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 海潮音 - CBP145"

Haichao yin 海潮音 (Sound of the Sea Tide) was the longest-running Chinese Buddhist periodical, and one of the most influential.

Its precursor was Jueshe congshu 覺社叢書 - MFQ3 (Awakening Society Collectanea). Founded in 1918, but after its fifth issue in 1919 it was renamed as Haichao yin. Issues 1-6 under the new title featured on their covers the note "The monthly publication compiled by the Awakening Society" 覺社編叢之月刊, perhaps to emphasize its link with the society and its earlier publication. Later issues also feature similar notes.

It initially had quite a small circulation, perhaps as few as 100 copies per issue, until the Buddhist Studies Press 佛學書局 in Shanghai 上海 started publishing it in the early 1930s, after which it gained a much wider distribution.

別名 Other Titles

出版地區 Place(s) of Publication

出版年 Publication Date(s)

1919 to 1949, later continued publication on Taiwan as early as 1955

有關人物 Associated Person(s)

No Additional Information

內容 Contents

Typical Sections

  • 圖像
  • 理論
  • 事紀
  • 雜文
  • 通訊
  • 附錄

Reprint Issues

  • Volume 1, Issue 1 (March 10, 1920) is reprinted in MFQ Vol. 1147, pp. 1-212
  • Volume 1, Issue 2 (April 10, 1920) is reprinted in MFQ Vol. 147, pp. 213-328
  • Volume 1, Issue 3 (May 10, 1920) is reprinted in MFQ Vol. 147, pp. 329-464
  • Volume 1, Issue 4 (June 10, 1920) is reprinted in MFQ Vol. 147, pp. 465-568, with a supplement 庚申第二季增刊 reprinted in Vol. 148, pp. 1-42
  • Volume 1, Issue 5 (July 10, 1920) is reprinted in MFQ Vol. 148, pp. 43-134
  • Volume 1, Issue 6 (August 10, 1920) is reprinted in MFQ Vol. 148, pp. 135-258
  • Volume 1, Issue 7 (September 10, 1920) is reprinted in MFQ Vol. 148, pp. 259-378
  • Volume 1, Issue 8 (n.d. [October 10, 1920?]) is reprinted in MFQ Vol. 148, pp. 379-474
  • Volume 1, Issue 9 (n.d. [November 10, 1920?]) is reprinted in MFQ Vol. 148, pp. 475-584
  • Volume 1, Issue 10 (10th month 2947 BE [December, 1920]) is reprinted in MFQ Vol. 149, pp. 1-122
  • Volume 1, Unnumbered Issue (11th month 2947 BE [January, 1921]) is reprinted in MFQ Vol. 149, pp. 123-146
  • Volume 1, Issue 11 (n.d. [February 10, 1921?]) is reprinted in MFQ Vol. 149, pp. 147-266
  • Volume 2, 1921
  • Volume 3, 1922
  • Volume 4, 1923
  • Volume 5, 1924
  • Volume 6, 1925
  • Volume 7, 1926
  • Volume 8, 1927
  • Volume 9, 1928
  • Volume 10, 1929
  • Volume 11, Issue 8 (August, 1930) is reprinted in MFQ Vol. 176, pp. 1-106
  • Volume 11, Issue 9 (September, 1930) is reprinted in MFQ Vol. 176, pp. 107-214
  • Volume 11, Issue 10 (October, 1930) is reprinted in MFQ Vol. 176, pp. 215-324
  • Volume 11, Issue 11/12 (December, 1930) is reprinted in MFQ Vol. 176, pp. 325-506
  • Volume 12, Issue 1 (February 15, 1931) is reprinted in MFQ Vol. 177, pp. 1-132. This issue had a new cover design and was the first issue published by Shanghai Buddhist Books
  • Volume 13, 1932
  • Volume 14, 1933
  • Volume 15, 1934
  • Volume 16, 1935
  • Volume 17, 1936
  • Volume 18, 1937
  • Volume 19, 1938
  • Volume 20, 1939
  • Volume 21, 1940
  • Volume 22, 1941
  • Volume 23, 1942
  • Volume 24, 1943
  • Volume 25, 1944
  • Volume 26, 1945
  • Volume 27, 1946
  • Volume 28, 1947
  • Volume 29, 1948
  • Volume 30, 1949

序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces

註疏 Commentary

Note that a better quality reproduction can be found in the edition published in 2003 by Shanghai guji chubanshe 上海古籍出版社. This is especially true for photographs.

參考文獻 Bibliography

電子全文 Digital Fulltext

有關書刊 See Also and Parallel Texts

功德榜 Contributors

AntoineCid, Greg