觀世音菩薩感應靈課 - DCCB0288

From Chinese Religious Text Authority
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Guan shi yin pu sa gan ying ling ke
Guanyin lingke.png
別名 Other Titles: 觀音靈課,觀世音菩薩三十二感應之課
有關人物 Associated Persons: 郭泰棣,陳韋寬,董康,印光大師,觀世音菩薩,唐三藏

出版地區 Place(s) of Publication: 北平

版式 Format: 木刻版

出版者 Publisher(s): 文楷齋,雙百鹿齋

出版年 Publication Date: 1933

載於 Located In: Digital Catalogue of Chinese Buddhism - DCCB

Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 觀世音菩薩感應靈課 - DCCB0288"

Guan shi yin pu sa gan ying ling ke is a self-help, interactive divination text, attributed to Guanyin. Users will chant the name of Guanyin, and use five coins to predict their future according to the patterns revealed through the tossed coins. The paratext contains Master Yinguang's 印光(1861–1940) dharma words 印光法師法語.

別名 Other Titles


出版地區 Place(s) of Publication


出版年 Publication Date(s)


有關人物 Associated Person(s)

No Additional Information

內容 Contents

  • 董康題牌記
  • 印光法師法語
  • 觀音和善財童子像
  • 仙女捧香爐像 + 龍牌
  • 觀世音菩薩三十二感應之課
  • 第一卦至第三十二卦(two folios of text + one folio of image per 卦)
  • 觀世音菩薩感應靈課終 回向文
  • 韋陀像

序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces



  • 觀世音菩薩,愍念眾生,尋聲救苦。凡作善事,懇求菩薩,必垂加被,令其得成。若作惡事,亦垂加被,令決不成。以成則造罪墮苦,其苦難救矣。此菩薩之真慈大悲也。欲決疑者,若原供有菩薩像,則於像前焚香禮拜;若無,則即向此課本焚香禮拜。取五淨錢,在香煙上熏過,心中默禱所問之事,按下所列之偈,並念菩薩若干聲,將錢在手中搖幾搖,令其次序散亂,然後擲於桌上,按次查是幾字幾幕,照課本查是何卦,即得其所示之兆云。


  • 昔日唐三藏詣西天取經,值觀世音菩薩曰:汝往西天求教,道途兇惡,緣汝能辦。吾助汝三十二感應靈通之卦,可授售汝,宜記在心。凡日辰傳一課,便見吉凶福禍,無不應者。焚香祝禱,用淨錢五文,於香煙上度過,手內擎搖禱祝曰:紫金化身千百億, 白衣妙相三十二。稽首圓通自在尊, 沙界咸稱大悲主。


  • 亡室張夫人諱瑞貞,生於清光緒甲申年閏六月二十八日,歿于丙申年十月初五日,今歲恰逢五旬冥壽之辰刊印。觀世音菩薩感應靈課,專為回向逝者高登蓮品,業謝塵勞,憑仗勝因,超生净土。中華民國二十二年嵗次癸酉六月二十八日潮陽郭泰棣謹識。同邑陳韋寬繪圖並書。

註疏 Commentary

OCLC Number(s): 23297613

Original bibliographic source(s): Long Xiangyang 龍向洋, ed., 美國哈佛大學哈佛燕京圖書館藏民國時期圖書總目 (Catalogue of Books of the Period of the Republic of China Collected in Harvard-Yenching Library, Harvard University, U.S.A. (Guilin: Guangxi shifan daxue chubanshe, 2010), p.121.

Yinguang has written a separate preface for an earlier print of the same text commissioned by Xu Naichang (徐乃昌,字積余 1869-1943)and his wife, published in 1931.

Yinguang has personally used this divination text to predict his own future. He arrived at 第二十得祿卦. “一日吾大兄往探親,吾二哥在場中曬 穀,須看守,恐遭雞踐,知機會到了。學堂佔一觀音課雲,高明居祿位,籠鳥得逃生。遂偷其僧衫,(先是吾兄欲改其衫,光謂此萬不可改。彼若派人來,以原物還 他,則無事。否則恐要涉訟,則受累不小。故得存之。)並二百錢而去。”

參考文獻 Bibliography

  • Xin Deyong, 辛德勇. “Shu Shiyin Ming Wanli Keben Guanshiyin Ganying Lingke 述石印明万历刻本《观世音感应灵课》.” Zhongguo Dianji Yu Wenhua《中国典籍与文化》, no. 3 (2004): 106–11.
  • Zhang Xuesong, 张雪松. “Zaishu Shiyin Ming Wanli Keben 再述石印明万历刻本《观世音感应灵课》.” Zhongguo Dian Ji Yu Wen Hua 中国典籍与文化, no. 4 (2009): 29–35.
  • Zhou Xinhui, 周心慧, 翁連溪 Weng Lianxi, and 李洪波 Li Hongbo. Zhongguo Fo Jiao Ban Hua Quan Ji 中國佛教版畫全集. Vol. 72. Beijing 北京: Zhongguo shu dian 中國書店, 2014.

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有關書刊 See Also and Parallel Texts

Entry in the Digital Catalogue of Chinese Buddhism

功德榜 Contributors

Greg, ZhangJie