九品蓮台 - WUL23

From Chinese Religious Text Authority


Jiu pin lian tai
別名 Other Titles:
有關人物 Associated Persons: 范珍

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Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 九品蓮台 - WUL23"

Jiupin liantai This two-fascicle work provides a very rich narrative description of the lives of two famous late Ming Buddhist figures, the abbot of Cloud Dwelling Monastery, Lianchi Zhuhong 袾宏 (1535-1615), and the abbess of the nunnery, Filiality and Righteousness Unobstructed, Zhujin 袾錦 (1548-1614). Although these figures are historically traceable and for Zhuhong in particular there is a long written record, this tanci 彈詞 (often catalogued as a baojuan 寶卷)creates a new highly imaginative and lively narrative of their various lives and religious endeavors.

別名 Other Titles

九品蓮臺 It should be noted that the Waseda Library Collection copy, linked below, was part of the personal library of Chinese rare books assembled by the renowned Japanese scholar Mizuho Sawada 泽田瑞穗 (1912-2002). Waseda University Library was the recipient of his collection. The seal stamp on the first page of the 九品蓮台 preface gives both Sawada's full name and the name of his library 風陵書屋藏本, 泽田瑞穗. This seal stamp also appears on the digitalized copy in 中國俗文庫. This digitalized copy has only minor character variances, perhaps due to the method of digitalization.

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內容 Contents

序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces

    • 乾隆歲次壬寅(1782)長至日
    • 徐敏謹序於竹罏梅舍
  • 原序
    • 蓮航惕心居士

註疏 Commentary

參考文獻 Bibliography

電子全文 Digital Fulltext

九品蓮台 : 二巻

有關書刊 See Also and Parallel Texts

功德榜 Contributors
