太上寶筏圖說 - E329
From Chinese Religious Text Authority
太上寶筏圖說 Tai shang bao fa tu shuo |
別名 Other Titles: None |
有關人物 Associated Persons: 黃正元
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication: None Known 版式 Format: 木刻版 出版者 Publisher(s): None Known 出版年 Publication Date: 1892 載於 Located In: Zangwai daoshu - E Volume 27, pp. 582-843. |
Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 太上寶筏圖說 - E329" |
A 1892 edition of the famous illustrated commentary on the Ganyingpian by Huang Zhengyuan 黃正元.The text of the Ganyingpian is divided into 8 sections carrying the name of the eight virtues 八德, which are 'Xiao' 孝, 'Di' 弟, 'Zhong' 忠, 'Xin' 信, 'Li' 禮, 'Yi', 義'Lian', 廉, 'Chi'恥.
別名 Other Titles
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication
出版年 Publication Date(s)
cover: 光緒壬辰 (1892)
有關人物 Associated Person(s)
The creators' information in the first page of the main text is : 閩中黃正元泰一氏著, 男樂善, 孫文治, 曾孫百福仝正字, 弟正綱會一參閲, 山陽王龍池涵衆纂訂, 須江汪膏植庵捐資敬刊, 三晉雷仁育萬有評點, 須江毛金蘭芝堂增補恭校.
內容 Contents
- 順治十二年(1655)御製勸善要言序 [頁582]
- 雍正八年(1730)上諭 [頁583]
- 乾隆五年(1740)上諭 [頁584-585]
- 凡例十六則 [頁592-595]
- 流通善書說 [頁595-596]
- 阻施善書辯 [頁596-597]
- 太上感應篇 [頁597-598]
- 太上感應篇靈驗記 [頁599-607]
- 太上感應篇圖說 [頁607-838]
- 附善過格凡例 [頁838-839]
- 太微仙君善過格 [頁839-842]
- 重刊感應篇圖說跋 [頁843]
序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces
- 太上寶筏序 [頁585-586]
- 許樾身
- 光緒十五年(1889)
- 原序 [頁587]
- 王繼文
- 康熙三十三年(1694)
- 原序 [頁588-589]
- 郝玉麟
- 乾隆三年(1737)
- 舊序 [頁589-590]
- 楊志道
- 乾隆二十年(1755)
- 舊序 [頁590-591]
- 雷仁育
- 序 [頁591-592]
- 黃正元
- 乾隆二十年(1755)
- 重刊感應篇圖說跋 [頁843]
- 毛金蘭
- 同治七年(1868)
註疏 Commentary
- This edition is very close to 太上寶筏圖說 - W12, but the page layout is different.
- 太上感應篇圖説 - NLC28 and this edition are different editions of the same text. In this edition, the poems and illustrations come before the commentaries, while in 太上感應篇圖説 - NLC28 it is the other way round. Several prefaces included in 太上感應篇圖説 - NLC28 are not included in this edition. The illustrations of the two are different. The names of the authors of the poems do not appear in the present edition. Also, the calligraphy styles of the poems in the two are different.
- The illustrations in this edition are the same as in 感應篇圖說 - E324.
- 太上寶筏圖説- LYY6 and the present edition are different editions of the same text.
參考文獻 Bibliography
電子全文 Digital Fulltext
Tao Library [1]
有關書刊 See Also and Parallel Texts
- 感應篇圖說 - E324,
- 感應篇圖說 - K26,
- 太上感應篇圖說 - W11,
- 太上寶筏圖說 - W12 are all different editions of the same commentary.
- 太上感應篇圖説 - NLC28
- 太上寶筏圖説- LYY6
- 太上感應篇注案 - L171