太上感應篇印譜 - LYY9
From Chinese Religious Text Authority
太上感應篇印譜 Tai shang gan ying pian yin pu |
別名 Other Titles: |
有關人物 Associated Persons: 葉鴻
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication: 永嘉 版式 Format: 木刻版 出版者 Publisher(s): 葉懷古齋 出版年 Publication Date: 載於 Located In: |
Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 太上感應篇印譜 - LYY9" |
A collection of seals with phrases from "Taishang ganyingpian" 太上感應篇. The seals were made by Ye Hong 葉鴻. "Taishang ganyingpian" 太上感應篇 is annotated in this book.
別名 Other Titles
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication
On the third page, there is a line that reads "永嘉葉懷古齋裝訂".
出版年 Publication Date(s)
有關人物 Associated Person(s)
This is a collection of seals with phrases from "Taishang ganyingpian" 太上感應篇. The seals were made by Ye Hong 葉鴻.
內容 Contents
- 序
- 序
- 序
- 太上感應篇 [頁1-3]
- 附錄行善格
- 正文
- 正文
- 正文
- 正文
- 捐刻芳名
序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces
- 太上感應篇印譜序
- 中華民國十二年 (1923) 七月
- 平陽劉紹寬序
- 序
- 壬戌孟秋
- 瑞安宋慈袍拜稿
- 序
- 民國十年嵗在辛酉 (1921) 重陽
- 永嘉葉鴻墨卿甫識於榴廕山房之東窗
註疏 Commentary