太上感應篇彙典 - K25
From Chinese Religious Text Authority
太上感應篇彙典 Tai shang gan ying pian hui dian |
別名 Other Titles: |
有關人物 Associated Persons: 王硯堂,徐鴻起
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication: 版式 Format: 木刻版 出版者 Publisher(s): 樂善堂 出版年 Publication Date: 1801 載於 Located In: Sandong shiyi - K Volume 5, pp. 1-126. |
Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 太上感應篇彙典 - K25" |
Taishang ganying pian huidian is a commentary on the Taishang ganyingpian (Treatise on Retribution of the Most High), written by Wang Yantang and edited by Xu Hongqi. The first two fascicles (juan) contain the commentary, and the last fascicle contains an appendix and miracle stories.
別名 Other Titles
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication
On the title page: 樂善堂藏板
After the title in the text: 古粵樂善堂梓送
On the last page: 板存豫省布政司西路北永源太平店劉姓處凡有君子印送自備紙張工價銀貳前陸分為記
出版年 Publication Date(s)
1801, 嘉慶六年歲次辛酉秋月重刊
有關人物 Associated Person(s)
No Additional Information
內容 Contents
- 原序 [頁2-4]
- 真西山太上感應篇原敘 [頁4]
- 太上感應篇 [頁5-7]
- 卷上 [頁8-67]
- 卷下 [頁67-119]
- 梓潼帝君寶訓 [頁120]
- 感應篇奉持靈驗紀實 [頁120-123]
- 袁了凡訓子格言 [頁123-126]
序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces
- 原序
- 萬曆丁巳夏月穀旦 [1617]
- 宛陵徐鴻起撰
- 真西山太上感應篇原敘
註疏 Commentary
- Zangwai daoshu has a version of the commentary 太上感應篇注 - E141 on the Taishang ganyingpian by Wang Yantang, published by 有福讀書堂:
- 康熙辛酉歲蠟月穀旦檇李匏菴朱律久謹識 [1681]
- 光緒己亥二月儀徵吳氏有福讀書堂重刊 [1899]
Havard Yenching Library also has a version of 有福讀書堂 in 1901.
- This is another edition of the same commentary as 太上感應篇注 - E141.
- 太上感應篇新註 - NAJ11 and 太上感應篇注 - E141 as well as this edition are by the same author, Wang Yantang 王硯堂 (Yantang was not the name of the author but an art name 號. According to the preface “王硯堂感應篇新註序” in 太上感應篇新註 - NAJ11, his name was Wang Jiazhen 王家禎, whose courtesy name was 予來). However, the commentary in 太上感應篇新註 - NAJ11 is greatly cut based on the latter two.
參考文獻 Bibliography
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