太上感應篇集傳 - NLC27
From Chinese Religious Text Authority
太上感應篇集傳 Tai shang gan ying pian ji zhuan |
別名 Other Titles: |
有關人物 Associated Persons: 惠棟, 俞樾, 姚學塽
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication: 版式 Format: 出版者 Publisher(s): 出版年 Publication Date: 載於 Located In: National Library of China, Beijing - NLC |
Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 太上感應篇集傳 - NLC27" |
This book collects coomentaries by Hui Dong 惠棟, Yu Yue 俞樾 and Yao Xueshuang 姚學塽 together.
別名 Other Titles
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication
出版年 Publication Date(s)
有關人物 Associated Person(s)
This book collects the commentaries by Hui Dong 惠棟, Yu Yue俞樾 and Yao Xueshuang 姚學塽.
內容 Contents
- 篆體書名 "太上感應篇集傳四卷"
- 王觀熙署檢
- 惠氏箋敘 (1)
- 俞氏纘敘 (1-2)
- 姚氏注敘 (2-3)
- 于氏贅言敘 (3-5)
- 太上感應篇 (6-9)
- 太上感應篇集傳卷弟一 (1-50)
- 太上感應篇集傳卷弟二 (1-56)
- 太上感應篇集傳卷弟三 (1-58)
- 太上感應篇集傳卷弟四 (1-52)
- 跋 (1-2)
- 後序 (1-2)
序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces
- 惠氏箋敘 (1)
- 乾隆十四年 (1749) 冬日
- 惠棟敘
- 俞氏纘敘 (1-2)
- 同治十有一年 (1872) 一有二月
- 德清俞樾
- 姚氏注敘 (2-3)
- 道光三年 (1823) 孟春月
- 歸安姚學塽敬書於水月禪林寓舘
- 于氏贅言敘 (3-5)
- 康熙癸亥 (1683) 夏六月
- 新城于覺世鉄樵甫題
- 太上感應篇集傳跋 (1-2)
- 大清光緒庚子 (1900) 八月
- 興化李詳謹譔
- 太上感應篇集傳後序 (1-2)
- 光緒二十有五年 (1899) 太歲在己亥夏六月
- 武岡張義澍譔
註疏 Commentary
- The pages of this book are not sequential. They are rearranged with each article and volume.
- For each sentence of the Ganyingpian, the commentaries by Hui, Yu and Yao are provided in that order.
- The main texts of this edition and 太上感應篇集傳 - E323 are the same. They are probably two copies of the same text. There is no title page in 太上感應篇集傳 - E323. A postface and a list of contributors, which are included in this edition, are also absent from 太上感應篇集傳 - E323.