屈害謀死親夫香卷 - J243
屈害謀死親夫香卷 Qu hai mou si qin fu xiang juan |
別名 Other Titles: 屈害謀死親夫香卷(山陽縣宝卷) |
有關人物 Associated Persons: 翰臣氏
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication: 山陽縣 版式 Format: 寫本 出版者 Publisher(s): 出版年 Publication Date: 1896 載於 Located In: Minjian baojuan - J, Vol. 16, pp. 608-628 |
Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 屈害謀死親夫香卷 - J243" |
This manuscript tells a story about a wronged widow in Fang family. In order to get the dead Mr. Fang's fortune, Mr. Fang's brother framed Mrs. Fang for murdering her husband. Mrs. Fang was eventually exonerated. Since she promised to follow Buddhist doctrine if she gets released from jail, to the end of the story, she started to practice Buddhist rituals at home. And the whole story concludes with the idea that good and evil both have their deserving rewards.
別名 Other Titles
屈害謀死親夫香卷(山陽縣宝卷)appears on the front page.
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication
This is a manuscript. According to the parentheses appended to the title, this baojuan belongs to Shanyang county (Shanyang xian). According to the third line of the main body, this story happens in 江南省淮安府山陽縣方家庄. Thus, a speculation over the place where this manuscript was produced is 江南省淮安府山陽縣.
出版年 Publication Date(s)
丙申 appears on the front page. In the main body, this story occurs during "國朝道光年間.“ Thus, a speculation over the date when this manuscript was produced falls in Feb. 13, 1896 to Feb. 1st, 1897.