感應篇直講 - NLC36
From Chinese Religious Text Authority
感應篇直講 Gan ying pian zhi jiang |
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有關人物 Associated Persons:
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication: 上海 版式 Format: 出版者 Publisher(s): 科達印書廠 出版年 Publication Date: 1947 載於 Located In: National Library of China, Beijing - NLC |
Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 感應篇直講 - NLC36" |
According to Li Buying 李步瀛's preface in this edition, the book Ganyingpian zhijiang 感應篇直講 was found by Huang Tiduan 黃體端 in a waste-paper basket. Huang then had it published. Huang lived during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor (r.1735-1796). The author is unknown.
別名 Other Titles
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication
According to the final page, this editon was printed by 科達印書廠, which was located in 上海大通路一九三號. The distributors (流通處) were: 印光法師永久紀念會, which was located in 常德路四一八號 and 弘化社, which was located in 蘇州護龍街南段, 穿心街報國寺内. The blocks (版) was kept in 印光法師永久紀念會.
出版年 Publication Date(s)
According to the final page, this edition was published in 民國三十六年 (1947) 八月.
有關人物 Associated Person(s)
內容 Contents
- 印文公鈔人字發隱
- 感應篇直講排印流通序 [頁 1-3]
- 重刻太上感應篇直講序 [頁 3-4]
- 題詞 [頁 4-5]
- 題詞 [頁 5]
- 重印太上感應篇直講緣起 [頁 5-6]
- 原跋 [頁 6-7]
- 梅光遠得感應篇轉憂為樂 (靈驗記一篇) [頁 7-8]
- 持誦感應篇須知 [頁 8-9]
- 紹興孫端鄉, 孫家武附識
- 感應篇直講三勸 [頁 9-13]
- 感應篇直講講法六條 [頁 13-16]
- 清順治十三年 (1656) 增訂講法七條 [頁 16-17]
- 姚端恪公感應篇頌 [頁 17-21]
- 清順治甲午年 (1654) 陽月長至日
- 龍山姚文然稽首敬撰
- 附錄重刊感應篇匯編序 [頁 22]
- 太上感應篇 [頁 1-6]
- 太上感應篇直講 正文[頁 1-60]
- 太上感應篇靈異紀 [頁 1-35]
- 無錫萬鈞書豪編
- 附崇奉三寶靈感錄 [頁 35-40]
- 附南潯極樂寺重修放生池疏 [頁 40-44]
- 印光法師
- 附俞净意公遇竈神記 [頁 44-48]
- 附龍舒净土文至人延年說 [頁 48-49]
- 附印老法師復念佛居士書 [頁 49-51]
- 感應篇直講廣事流通跋 [頁 51-52]
序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces
- 感應篇直講排印流通序 [頁 1-3]
- 民國十七年 (1928) 戊辰夏曆七月十五日
- 常慚愧僧釋印光謹撰
- 重刻太上感應篇直講序 [頁 3-4]
- 咸豐二年 (1852) 孟冬
- 商人李步瀛謹序
- 題詞 [頁 4-5]
- 題詞 [頁 5]
- 咸豐壬子年 (1852) 十一月初三日焚香沐手拜題
- 重印太上感應篇直講緣起 [頁 5-6]
- 民國十四年 (1925)
- 杭州東塘鄉沈心田謹識
- 原跋 [頁 6-7]
- 光緒十七年 (1891) 仲秋月謹識
- 附錄重刊感應篇匯編序 [頁 22]
- 清光緒丙申 (1896) 三月
- 大蓮居士張丙炎沐手拜誌
- 感應篇直講廣事流通跋 [頁 51-52]
- 民國二十八年嵗次己卯 (1939) 冬月吉日
- 苦惱比丘德森謹跋
註疏 Commentary
- All of the ganyingpian zhijiang 感應篇直講 attached here are different editions of the same text. Among them, 感應篇直講 - NLC33, 感應篇直講 - NLC34, 感應篇直講 - NLC35 and 感應篇直講 - NLC36 are different editions for exactly the same text.