杏花寳卷 - WUL9
From Chinese Religious Text Authority
別名 Other Titles
The title page gives the title 繪圖杏花寶卷. On the cover and center of each page(版心),the title is 杏花寶卷.
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication
The title page shows the place of publication in 文元書局, Shanghai.
出版年 Publication Date(s)
有關人物 Associated Person(s)
內容 Contents
- 封面
- Illustration of 安童,趙夫人,杏花,周鳳(order right to left).
- Illustration of 來福,進財,進貴(order right to left).
- 杏花寶卷正文
- Sttached text of "花名寶卷"
- Attached text and a illustration of “繪圖遠楊自説後本"
序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces
註疏 Commentary
- The last several pages are texts from another two books, which are "花名寶卷" and “繪圖遠楊自説後本", both are incomplete.
- 杏花寶卷 - J286, 杏花寶卷 - HY75 and the present edition are different editions of the same text.