From Chinese Religious Text Authority
The Haichao yin wenku 海潮音文庫 (Sound of the Sea Tide Collection) is a book series produced in the early 1930s, made up of reprinted content from the Buddhist periodical Haichao yin 海潮音 - CBP145.
Four collections (甲乙丙丁) were produced, with a total of 34 titles.
List of Titles
- Preview volume: 海潮音文庫 - DCCB1463, 1930
- Collection 1 第一編:
- 科學 - DCCB1464, 1930
- 哲學 - DCCB1465, 1930
- 宗教 - DCCB1466, October 1930
- 國學 - DCCB1468, 1930
- 人生 - DCCB1467, October 1930
- 文化 - DCCB1469, October 1930
- 進化論 - DCCB1470, October 1930
- 社會學 - DCCB1471, October 1930
- 道德學 - DCCB1472, October 1930
- 政治 - DCCB1474, October 1930
- 論理學 - DCCB1475, October 1930
- Collection 2 第二編:
- 淨土宗 - DCCB1130, 1931
- 法相宗 - DCCB1082, February 1931
- 法性宗 - DCCB1070, June 1931
- 真言宗 - DCCB1120, June 1931
- 天台宗 - DCCB1074, August 1931
- 賢首宗 - DCCB1102, August 1931
- Collection 3 第三編:
- 論文集 - DCCB1369, 1931
- 佛教傳記 - DCCB1590, August 1931
- 佛學歷史 - DCCB1569, October 1931
- 討論集 - DCCB1370, August 1932
- Collection 4 第四編:
- 詩選 - DCCB1385, 1932
- 筆記 - DCCB1374, date unknown
- 尺牘 - DCCB1386, May 1932
- 文選 - DCCB1373, May 1932