蓮漏聲 - CBP39

From Chinese Religious Text Authority
(Redirected from 蓮漏聲 - MFQ39)


Lian lou sheng
Lianlou sheng cover.png
別名 Other Titles:
有關人物 Associated Persons: 會泉, 宏深, 念西, 虎溪蓮社

出版地區 Place(s) of Publication: 廈門

版式 Format: 活字版

出版者 Publisher(s): 福建廈門虎溪東林寺蓮社

出版年間 Publication Period: 1938 - 1938

載於 Located In: Chinese Buddhist Periodicals - CBP

Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 蓮漏聲 - CBP39"

Lian lou sheng 蓮漏聲 (Sound of the Dripping Lotus) was a Buddhist periodical published in Xiamen 廈門.

別名 Other Titles

出版地區 Place(s) of Publication

Xiamen 廈門

出版年 Publication Date(s)

Founded in 1938

有關人物 Associated Person(s)

No Additional Information

內容 Contents

Reprint Issues

  • Year 3, Volume 1, Issue 3 is reprinted in MFQ Vol. 45, pp. 493-514

序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces

註疏 Commentary

參考文獻 Bibliography

電子全文 Digital Fulltext

有關書刊 See Also and Parallel Texts

  • MFQ Vol. 205, p.16

功德榜 Contributors
