青雲梯 - H162

From Chinese Religious Text Authority


Qing yun ti
青雲梯 - H162.png
別名 Other Titles: None
有關人物 Associated Persons: 梁務本

出版地區 Place(s) of Publication: 粵東省城, 廣東

版式 Format: 木刻版

出版者 Publisher(s): 樂善堂重刻

出版年 Publication Date: 1870

載於 Located In: Ming Qing minjian zongjiao jingjuan wenxian - H‎ Volume 11, pp. 288-307.

Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 青雲梯 - H162"

Qingyun ti (The ladder to the sky) is a morality book about Xizi 惜字, cherishing written characters, and sexual morality 戒淫, compiled by Liang Wuben and reprinted in 1870 in Yuedong (Guangzhou).

別名 Other Titles


出版地區 Place(s) of Publication

樂善堂重刻, 板存粵東省城天平街維經堂

出版年 Publication Date(s)

同治九年季冬吉日重刻, corresponds with 1870

有關人物 Associated Person(s)

No Additional Information

內容 Contents

  • 神仙通鑑[頁289,2]
  • 敬字之原[頁290,3-5a]
  • 文昌帝君勸敬惜字文[頁291,5b-7]
  • 敬字說[頁292,8]
  • 惜字良規[頁293,9-12]
  • 首惡戒淫篇[頁295,13-14]
  • 嚴戒演淫戲說[頁296,15-18a]
  • 戒造淫書春畫春鏡論[頁297,18b-19b]
  • 呈壇求乩訓示[頁298,20-25]
  • 蘇真人善字論[頁301,26]
  • 靈驗記[頁302,27-28]


  • 惜字要言[頁303,1-4]
  • 靈驗記[頁305,5-10]

序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces

    • 咸豐己未( 9年 )孟冬吉旦
    • 里人周大镛鑑如氏附跋

註疏 Commentary

Authorship A morality book about Xizi 惜字, cherishing written characters, and sexual morality 戒淫 reprint in 1870, in Yuedong 粵東, which seems to be a brief version of another morality book, the "Ladder to the moon palace" 桂宫梯 , but added the content about sexual morality. Zhou Hanzhao 周翰藻 living in Beijing got the Good rules of cherishing written characters 惜字良規, whose author is Master of the room self-discipline 慎獨齋主人, in the bureau of characters and papers 字紙局 in 1859, and he send it to his father Zhou Dayong 周大鏞 in Guangdong. The editors Liao Wuben 梁務本 added three articles about prohibition of debauchery and some local materials, including 15 retributive cases across Guangdong after the text about prohibiting erotic operas 嚴戒演淫戲說, the spirit written texts which were revealed from the gods (Guanyin 觀音, Master Chunyang 純陽祖師, Hai Rui 海瑞 and so on) to appraise those new texts in 1862. The title of appendix is 敬字顯報, which is also about Xizi.

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