
From Chinese Religious Text Authority

Gregory Adam Scott 史瑞戈, Senior Lecturer in Chinese Culture and History at the University of Manchester

I mainly curate entries that fall under Chinese Buddhist Periodicals - CBP and Digital Catalogue of Chinese Buddhism - DCCB

Is it possible to embed a PHP form via to allow novice users to input data and have it output nicely formatted wiki code for a new entry?

Buddhist Book Series

Buddhist Primers Circulating in the Republican Era

  1. 佛教初學課本; 佛教初學課本註 - DCCB2261, 1906 and reprinted as late as 1949
  2. 佛學易解 - DCCB1282, 1917, 1919, and 1923
  3. 佛學指南 - DCCB0175, 1919
  4. 佛學起信編 - DCCB2346, 1919
  5. 佛學初階 - DCCB2347, 1919
  6. 佛學撮要 - DCCB0194, 1920, and reprinted as late as 1941
  7. 學佛捷徑 - DCCB2332, 1921
  8. 佛說般若波羅密多心經實踐哲學綱要 - DCCB0493, 1921
  9. 阿彌陀經直解 - DCCB0535, 1923?
  10. 佛學入門 - DCCB1285, 1924?
  11. 初機淨業指南 - DCCB0902, 1924 and reprinted as late as 1924
  12. 釋迦牟尼佛略傳 - DCCB1648, 1923, reprinted 1924, 1930, 1933, 1936
  13. 佛學是人人所必須的學問 - DCCB1495, 1927
  14. 學佛淺說; 助覺管見; 初機學佛摘要 - DCCB1290, 1929, 1932, and 1935
  15. 唯識三字經釋論 - DCCB0655, 1930
  16. 中等佛學教科書 - DCCB1332, 1930, 1931
  17. 佛法導論 - DCCB1302, 1931 and reprinted as late as 1949
  18. 佛像概說 - DCCB2342, 1931
  19. 淨土三要述義 - DCCB1148, 1931
  20. 初等佛學教科書 - DCCB1331, 1931, 1933
  21. 佛教淺測 - DCCB1307, 1932
  22. 佛學ABC - DCCB1295, 1933
  23. 兒童佛學三字經淺釋 - DCCB1328, 1933
  24. 淨業津梁 - DCCB0922, 1933
  25. 淨土問辨 - DCCB1147, 1933
  26. 楞嚴經淺說 - DCCB0593, 1933?
  27. 佛法略談 - DCCB1311, 1933 and 1934
  28. 盂蘭盆經淺說 - DCCB0559, 1934?
  29. 佛學法滙 - DCCB0439, 1934
  30. 念佛指南 - DCCB0931, 1935
  31. 佛教淺測 - DCCB1308, 1935
  32. 婦女學佛初步 - DCCB0956, 1935
  33. 佛學綱要 - DCCB0180, 1935
  34. 淨業良導 - DCCB1153, 1935
  35. 古農佛學答問 - DCCB1335, 1936
  36. 佛傳 - DCCB1655, 1936
  37. 佛教概述 - DCCB0172, 1937, reprint 1938?
  38. 重編念誦集要 - DCCB1028, 1937
  39. 略論佛法要義 - DCCB1317, 1941