太上感應篇 - NLC18
From Chinese Religious Text Authority
太上感應篇 Tai shang gan ying pian |
別名 Other Titles: |
有關人物 Associated Persons: 何士清
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication: 版式 Format: 木刻版 出版者 Publisher(s): 出版年 Publication Date: 載於 Located In: National Library of China, Beijing - NLC |
Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 太上感應篇 - NLC18" |
This book is an incomplete version. It has two fascicles (冊) with eight volumes.
別名 Other Titles
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication
出版年 Publication Date(s)
有關人物 Associated Person(s)
He Shiqing 何士清 wrote the postface.
內容 Contents
- 太上感應篇卷第一 至 卷第四 (缺頁)
- 太上感應篇卷第五 至 卷第八 (缺頁)
- 感應篇之書述 (跋)
序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces
- 感應篇之書述 (跋)
- 元貞丙申 (1296) 中元
- 無諍居士何士清謹跋
註疏 Commentary
- 太上感應篇 - NLC17, 太上感應篇 - NLC19 and this edition are different editions of the same text.
- This edition and 太上感應篇 - NLC19 are both incomplete.
- This edition is divided into two fascicles (冊), and 太上感應篇 - NLC17 is divided into four. There is a postface in this edition that is not seen in 太上感應篇 - NLC17. Before the main text of 太上感應篇 - NLC17, there is an article entitled “ganyingji" 感應記. The first few pages are lost in this edition, so it is not certain whether the "ganyingji" 感應記 is also in this edition.
- The commentary (傳) by Li Changling 李昌齡 is cut a lot in 太上感應篇經傳注 - NLC22.