太上感應篇 - NLC21
From Chinese Religious Text Authority
太上感應篇 Tai shang gan ying pian |
別名 Other Titles: 太上感應篇集證 |
有關人物 Associated Persons:
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication: 版式 Format: 出版者 Publisher(s): 出版年 Publication Date: 載於 Located In: National Library of China, Beijing - NLC |
Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 太上感應篇 - NLC21" |
This is an annotation to the scripture Taishang ganging pian太上感應篇. It is incomplete; only the second fascicle (下冊) exists.
別名 Other Titles
On each page, there is the title “太上感應篇集證”.
出版地區 Place(s) of Publication
出版年 Publication Date(s)
有關人物 Associated Person(s)
內容 Contents
- 太上感應篇下冊正文 (181-341)
- 附善過格凡例 (343-353)
序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces
註疏 Commentary
- This is another edition of the same text as 太上感應篇經史集證 - LYY8. The commentary of both are the same as in 太上感應篇增訂圖說 - NLC31.