梁皇寶卷 - HY61

From Chinese Religious Text Authority
(Redirected from 梁皇寶卷 - HY)


Liang huang bao juan quan ji
別名 Other Titles: 梁皇寶卷, 繪圖梁皇寶卷
有關人物 Associated Persons: 孫興德, 喻氏

出版地區 Place(s) of Publication: 寧波

版式 Format: 石印版

出版者 Publisher(s): 學林堂書局

出版年 Publication Date: 1933

載於 Located In: Harvard Yenching Library - HY Harvard-Yenching library Bao Juan digitization project-990093825090203941.

Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 梁皇寶卷 - HY61"

This book is divided into two fascicles and should have been rebound. The wrappers are made of different pieces of paper and have English printed on them, which clearly does not belong to this book.

別名 Other Titles

On the final page, there is the title of 梁皇寶卷. On the wrapper of the second fascicle, there is a hand-written title by Shen Dongliang 沈冬良, which is 繪圖梁皇寶卷.

出版地區 Place(s) of Publication

寧波 : 學林堂書局

出版年 Publication Date(s)

According to the cover page, this edition was published in 民國22年[1933]. On the final page of the main text, it says that the proofreading was done in 大清光緒二年嵗在丙子 (1876) 浴佛節.

有關人物 Associated Person(s)

On the last page of the main text it says that Sun Xingde 孫興德 of Zheyue 浙越 and his wife 喻氏 reprinted this scripture.

內容 Contents


  • 正文 [頁1-7]


  • 正文 [頁8-14]
  • 附刊十骷髏 [頁15]
  • 上大人詩註 [頁15]

序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces

註疏 Commentary

參考文獻 Bibliography

電子全文 Digital Fulltext

梁皇寶卷全集 :1 卷. 寧波 : 學林堂書局, 民國22年 in HY

有關書刊 See Also and Parallel Texts

功德榜 Contributors
