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From Chinese Religious Text Authority
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CRTA - The Chinese Religious Text Authority 宗教書籍規範索引

Project Description 計劃提要

Wooden printing blocks in a Buddhist temple

The Chinese Religious Text Authority (CRTA) is a project that seeks to collect and present reliable bibliographic and scholarly information about religious texts in Chinese produced prior to 1949. For more information, please see our About page.

This is a collaborative resource - please feel free to create and edit any entries that you like, just add your name to the list of contributors for that entry!

User Guides

Sample Item Pages

Current Projects


Main Collections

Phase 1 corpus: texts in major reprint collections

Siglum Collection
A Daozang jiyao - A (重刊) 道藏輯要. 270 texts.
B Fushou baozang - B 福壽寶藏. 140 texts.
C Daozang jinghualu - C 道藏精華錄. 104 texts.
D Daozang jinghua - D 道藏精華. Xiao Tianshi 蕭天石, comp. Taipei: Ziyou chubanshe, 1953-1983.
E Zangwai daoshu - E 藏外道書. Chengdu: Bashu shushe, 1992-1994, 36 vols.
F Baojuan chuji - F 寶卷初集. Taiyuan: Shanxi renmin chubanshe, 1994, 40 vols. 185 texts.
G Zhonghua xu Daozang - G 中華續道藏. Taipei: Xinwenfeng, 1999, 20 vols. 181 texts.
H Ming Qing minjian zongjiao jingjuan wenxian - H 明淸民間宗敎經卷文獻, Wang Chien-Chuan 王見川, Lin Wanchuan 林萬傳, comp., Taipei, Xinwenfeng, 1999, 12 vol. 170 texts.
I Zangwai fojing - I 藏外佛經. Hefei: Huangshan shushe, 2005, 30 vols. 225 texts.
J Minjian baojuan - J 民間寶卷. Hefei: Huangshan shushe, 2005, 20 vols. 359 texts.
K Sandong shiyi - K 三洞拾遺. Hefei: Huangshan shushe, 2005, 20 vols. 134 texts.
L Ming Qing minjian zongjiao jingjuan wenxian xubian - L 明清民間宗教經卷文獻續編. Wang Chien-ch’uan 王見川 et al., comp. Taipei: Xinwenfeng, 2006, 12 vols. 204 texts.
M Minjian sizang: Taiwan zongjiao ziliao huibian: minjian xinyang, minjian wenhua - M 民間私藏臺灣宗教資料彙編 : 民間信仰・民間文化. Wang Chien-ch’uan 王見川, Li Shiwei李世偉, comp. Taipei: Boyang, 2009-2010, series 1: 34 vols. 144+ texts. Series 2: 33 vols.
N Zhongguo yuyan jiujie shu - N 中國預言救劫書. Wang Chien-ch’uan 王見川, Song Jun 宋軍, Fan Chun-wu 范純武, comp. Taipei: Xinwenfeng, 2010, 10 vols. 105 texts.
O Zhonghua zhenben baojuan - O 中華珍本寶卷. Ma Xisha 馬西沙, comp. 主編. Beijing : Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, series 1, 2013, series 2, 2014, series 3, 2015. 30 vols. 147 texts.
P Minzhong jingdian: Yiguandao jingjuan, Liu Bowen jinnang yu qita - P 民眾經典: 一貫道經卷、劉伯溫錦囊與其他. Wang Chien-ch’uan 王見川, comp. Taipei: Boyang, 2011. 5 vols. 51 texts.
Q Minjian sizang: Zhongguo minjian xinyang minjian wenhua ziliao huibian - Q 民間私藏 : 中國民間信仰民間文化資料彙編. Wang Chien-ch’uan 王見川 et al., comp. Taipei: Boyang, 2011-2017, series 1: 34 vols.; series 2: 34 vols. ; series 3: 35 vols.
R Jindai Guandi, Yuhuang jingjuan yu Xuanmen zhengzong wenxian - R 近代關帝、玉皇經卷與玄門真宗文獻. Wang Chien-ch’uan, ed. Taipei: Boyang, 2012. 6 vols. 38 texts.
S Ming Qing mimi shehui : shiliao xiezhen. Huantiandao juan - S 明清秘密社會:史料擷珍.黃天道卷. Cao Xinyu 曹新宇, comp. Taipei: Boyang, 2013. 7 vols. 75 texts.
T Shanshu baojuan yanjiu congshu - T 善書寶卷研究叢書. Li Zhengzhong 李正中, comp. Taipei: Lantai chubanshe 台北蘭臺出版社, 2014. 10 vols. 52 texts.
U Jindai Zhongguo minjian zongjiao jingjuan wenxian - U 近代中國民間宗教經卷文獻. Wang Chien-ch’uan 王見川, Fan Chun-wu 范純武, comp. Taipei: Xinwenfeng, 2015, 12 vols. 83 texts.
V Taiwan laozhaitang zhenbao de chongjian : Tainan Dehuatang suozang de jingjuan yu wenxian - V 台灣老齋堂珍寶的重現:《台南德化堂所藏的經卷與文獻》. Wang Chien-ch’uan 王見川, Wang Huichen 王惠琛, eds. Taipei: Boyang, 2018, 7 vols. 47 texts.
W Ming Qing yilai shanshu congbian - W 明清以來善書叢編. Wang Chien-ch’uan 王見川, Philip Clart 柯若樸, Hou Chong 侯沖 & Fan Chunwu 范純武 eds. Taipei: Xinwenfeng, 2018, 18 vols. 71 texts.
X Xu zangjing - X 續藏經. CBETA edition. 1671 texts.
Y Ming Qing yilai shanshu congbian erji - Y 明清以來善書叢編二輯. Wang Chien-ch’uan 王見川, Philip Clart 柯若樸, Hou Chong 侯沖 & Fan Chunwu 范純武 eds. Taipei: Xinwenfeng, 2019, 18 vols. 41 texts.
MFQ Minguo Fojiao qikan wenxian jicheng - MFQ 民國佛教期刊文獻集成. Huang Xia'nian 黃夏年, ed. Beijing: 全國圖書館, 2006. 209 vols.
DCCB Digital Catalogue of Chinese Buddhism - DCCB 2328 Entries.

Todo list

  • [X] About page
  • [X] On the main page list the text collections
  • [X] Create pages for each major collection
  • [X] Create templates "text page" and "collection page"
  • [.95] Batch create text pages from the TOC - (KA: done except for Q)
  • [] Find validators and other useful extensions
  • [] Page/section on support CRTA has received
  • [X] Update About page with steering committee members
  • [] Create pages for CRTA events/workshops
  • [] Fix user guide & template explanations - make more prominent

Getting started

Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.