太上感應篇圖説 - NLC29

From Chinese Religious Text Authority


Tai shang gan ying pian tu shuo
太上感應篇圖説 - NLC29.png
別名 Other Titles:
有關人物 Associated Persons: 許纘曾, 李藩, 鮑承勛

出版地區 Place(s) of Publication:

版式 Format: 木刻版

出版者 Publisher(s):

出版年 Publication Date:

載於 Located In: National Library of China, Beijing - NLC

Cite as 引用為: "CRTA 太上感應篇圖説 - NLC29"

This is an illustrated commentary on the Ganyingpian 感應篇. It has four fascicles (冊), each with a title, which are "Jin" 金, "Shi" 石, "Si" 丝, "Zhu" 竹. This book does not comment on the whole text of Ganyingpian 感應篇. It stops at the sentence "Yi si fei gong" 以私廢公. This edition is different from Huang Zhengyuan 黃正元's edition.

別名 Other Titles

出版地區 Place(s) of Publication

出版年 Publication Date(s)

有關人物 Associated Person(s)

According to the first page of the main text, this book was edited by Xu Zuanzeng 許纘曾.In the first illustration, there is the information of the painter and the carver:" 蕭亭价人李藩寫, 旌邑鮑承勛刻”.

內容 Contents

第一冊 金部

  • 標題頁
  • 前言
  • 序 [頁 1-6]
  • 人名列表 [頁 7-10]
  • 補刊太上感應篇圖説序 [頁 1-2]
  • 序 [頁 1-4]
  • 文 (序) [頁 1-2]
  • 御製勸善要言序 [頁 序一 - 序四]
  • 太上感應篇 [頁 1-6]
  • 凡例十則 [頁 凡例一 - 凡例七]
    • 順治十四年嵗次丁酉 (1657) 仲春穀旦謹記
  • 内院奉旨翻譯太上感應篇滿文 [頁 14-1]
  • 文 (感應錄) [頁 金一 - 金十一]
  • 正文 [頁金十三 - 金七十六]

第二冊 石部

  • 正文 [頁石一 - 石八十八]

第三冊 絲部

  • 正文 [頁絲一 - 絲九十七]

第四冊 竹部

  • 正文 [頁竹一 - 竹一百十五]

序跋等 Prefaces and Postfaces

第一冊 金部

  • 前言
  • 序 (1-6)
    • 乾隆二十三年嵗在戊寅 (1758) 孟夏月下澣
    • 賜進士出身, 奉直大夫知蔚州事, 前吏部文選司主事, 武英殿侍直, 翰林院庶吉士, 加三級紀錄四次, 古豫章卓山帥家相譔並書
  • 補刊太上感應篇圖説序 [頁 1-2]
    • 乾隆二十二年 (1757) 七月三日蔚州閻介年謹序
  • 序 [頁 1-4]
    • 乾隆四年 (1739) 仲春穀旦
    • 知蔚州事三韓李培仁謹識
  • 文 (序) [頁 1-2]
    • 關中梁化鳳謹識
  • 御製勸善要言序 [頁 序一-序四]
    • 順治十二年 (1655) 正月吉日序

註疏 Commentary

  • This edition is incomplete; it has four fascicles (冊), each with a title, which are "Jin" 金, "Shi" 石, "Si" 丝, "Zhu" 竹. According to the introduction of Liang Huafeng 梁化鳳, this book used to have eight sections.
  • 太上感應篇圖說 - HY88 and this edition are different editions for the same text. A preface which is included in 太上感應篇圖說 - HY88 is not found in the present edition. Moreover, 太上感應篇圖說 - HY88 is a complete version with eight fascicles (冊).
  • 太上感應篇圖說 - BSB2, 太上感應篇圖說 - HY88 and this edition are different editions of the same text. But there are differences. First, there are only two prefaces in 太上感應篇圖說 - BSB2, which is not included in 太上感應篇圖說 - HY88 and the present edition. Second, the Manchu version of "Taishang gan yingpian" 太上感應篇 is not included in 太上感應篇圖說 - BSB2. Third, additional commentary based on the text of 太上感應篇圖說 - HY88 and the present edition is added in some sections in 太上感應篇圖說 - BSB2.
  • This book is very similar to 太上感應篇增訂圖說 - NLC31. The original edition of the present book was printed around 1657, and the original version of 太上感應篇增訂圖說 - NLC31 was printed around 1758. According to the preface of the compiler Zhu Rifeng 朱日豐, 太上感應篇增訂圖說 - NLC31 was compiled based on the book annotated by Xu Gongyun 許宮允. The compiler of this book was Xu Hesha 許鶴沙, and 宮允 was one of his names. Therefore, the 太上感應篇增訂圖說 - NLC31 is most likely based on the present book.
  • 太上感應篇圖説 - NLC25 is most likely the last section of the same book as the present edition. The two are very similar in page layout. Both have "notes" (箋注) and "quotations from the classics" (引經). In both editions, each story is accompanied by an illustration. There is a character before the page number in both editions. In this edition, the character refers to the general title of the single section. "Jin" 金, "Shi" 石, "Si" 丝, "Zhu" 竹 are four tunes of eight in traditional China, and the last four are "Pao" 匏, "Tu"土, "Ge"革, "Mu" 木. The character before the page number in 太上感應篇圖説 - NLC25 is "Mu" 木. Moreover, 太上感應篇圖説 - NLC25 is highly similar to 太上感應篇增訂圖說 - NLC31. According to preliminary research, 太上感應篇增訂圖說 - NLC31 is based on this book.
  • Comparison between this edition and Huang Zhengyuan 黃正元's edition:
    • The commentaries in this edition include "notes" (箋注) and "quotations from the classics" (引經). There is no "引經" in Huang's version.
    • In this edition, each story is accompanied by an illustration, whereas in Huang's edition there is only one illustration for each sentence of the scripture.
    • In this edition, there is a translation of Taishang ganyingpian太上感應篇 in Manchu while is not included in Huang's version.

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太上感應篇圖説 in NLC

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